Chapter 13 : Threat

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Chapter 13 : Threat

Returning back home, the familiar routine unfolded as you placed your keys and helmet in their usual spot, a gesture signifying the end of another day.

The quiet of your home was punctuated by the soft padding of paws on the floor, and soon enough, your ginger cat came to greet you, its presence a constant comfort.

With a smile, you bent down to offer a gentle scratch behind its ears, receiving a contented purr in response.

The comfort of home wrapped around you like a warm embrace, grounding you after the day's events.

Anticipating the familiar sight of Mihawk busying himself in the kitchen, you made your way there, only to find the space unoccupied.

Instead, your eyes were drawn to a note adorning the fridge door, its message penned in Mihawk's distinctive hand:

'Ingredients prepped. Had to leave for a mission.'

A chuckle escaped you as you read the note, appreciating the considerate gesture despite his absence.

Shaking your head slightly in amusement, you moved to inspect the ingredients he had prepared.

Even in his absence, Mihawk managed to make his presence felt, ensuring that everything was in order for you to effortlessly continue where he left off.

The ginger cat, sensing your amusement, twined around your legs, adding to the warmth of the moment.

With a final glance at the note, you decided to dive into the cooking process, ready to create a meal out of the carefully prepared ingredients.

Mihawk's preparations laid out before you, the kitchen transformed into a canvas for your culinary creativity.

Each ingredient was meticulously arranged, a testament to Mihawk's understanding of your preferences and routines.

You began the process of cooking, finding solace in the rhythmic chopping and sizzling, the kitchen filled with the inviting aroma of spices and warmth.

As you moved around the kitchen, the fluffy cat, always curious, followed your every step, its eyes tracking the dance of your movements.

The act of cooking, usually an activity done by Mihawk, felt slightly weird. His absence was palpable, yet the care he put into preparing everything for you bridged that gap, making him feel close even in his absence.

Halfway through cooking, you paused to reflect back to the past.

Flashback :

In the freshness of the early morning, you found yourself standing before the grand entrance of the auditorium, under the emblem of the World Government Academy, your heart pulsating with a concoction of excitement and apprehension.

Today marked the beginning of an extraordinary chapter, as you were about to meet Zephyr, your mentor in the elusive Project Twilight, and the others who would journey with you through this undertaking.

As the doors parted, Zephyr stepped forward, his stature alone demanding respect.

A legend for his unparalleled expertise and firm guidance within the academy, yet the moment his gaze met yours, a softness touched his otherwise stern facade.

"You the kid Garp discovered?" he inquired, his voice resonating with a depth of welcome and assurance.

Affirming his question with a nod, you were invited inside.

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