Chapter 4 : I Can't

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Chapter 4 : I Can't

The insistent ringing of your phone shattered the silence of your home, abruptly rousing you from the depths of sleep.

With a deep groan of annoyance, you begrudgingly acknowledged the disturbance, the ringtone echoing mockingly in the early morning stillness.

" Aghh... What?!" Your voice, heavy with irritation, betrayed your frustration at being pulled away from the much-needed rest.

The events of the previous night had stretched into the early hours of the morning, with your return home marked by the clock striking 4 am.

Despite the exhaustion, a sense of gratitude lingered in your thoughts for Ace's discretion regarding his connection to you, a small comfort amidst the whirlwind of medical emergencies.

However, the realization that your involvement in Thatch's care, particularly after his unexpected seizure, would inevitably draw you closer to the Whitebeard family weighed heavily on your mind.

The prospect of taking on any future incidents involving them was something you had anticipated, albeit reluctantly.

Your preference to maintain a distance from them was now a luxury you could no longer afford.

"Dr. Y/N... This is Rachel, the nurse overseeing VVIP Room 332. The patient has woken and the CT and MRI scans are ready for your review," came the voice on the other end, tinged with nervous anticipation.

As you slowly sat up in bed, a hand absentmindedly running through your tousled hair, you glanced at the clock: 8:11 am.

With a heavy sigh, you mustered the professionalism to set aside your initial annoyance, "I'll be in by 9:30 am."

"Understood, Dr. Y/N. Should I inform Dr. Crocus about this?" Rachel inquired, her voice still carrying a hint of apprehension.

"No... He had four emergency surgeries that he managed yesterday. Let the old man rest; I'll take it from here," you replied with firm resolve, determined to shoulder the responsibility and allow your colleague some much-deserved reprieve.

Ending the call, you tossed your phone aside, the weight of the day's obligations already setting in.

Rising from bed, you prepared to face the day, driven by a sense of duty and the commitment to your patients that defined your career.

After a brisk shower, you quickly changed into comfortable attire, selecting black cargo pants paired with a casual off-shoulder sweater and your reliable combat boots.

Gathering your essentials, you left your room, ready to face the day ahead.

Once your younger siblings had moved out of your grandfather's residence, you felt a strong pull towards independence and opted for a change of scenery.

The decision led you to a penthouse located conveniently close to the hospital where you worked.

Although the cost of living there was higher than what you were accustomed to, the proximity to your workplace was invaluable, especially given the unpredictable nature of medical emergencies.

Your new home was a spacious two-story penthouse, featuring two bedrooms and a master bedroom complete with an en-suite bathroom on the upper level.

The first floor boasted a guest bedroom, a cozy living room, a well-equipped kitchen, and an additional bathroom, providing ample space and comfort.

Descending to the living room in the morning, you were warmly greeted by the soft meow of your furry companion waiting at the foot of the stairs.

A smile spread across your face as you scooped up the fluffy ginger cat into your arms.

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