Chapter 10 : The Devil

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Chapter 10 : The Devil

Flashback :

The moment was ripe with sentimentality as you finalized the packing of your duffle bag, your gaze sweeping across the familiar confines of your room.

This space, along with your siblings, had become your sanctuary after the loss of your parents.

Under the protective wing of your grandfather, you had all found solace and a semblance of normalcy, despite the shadows of your parents' past actions.

Now 16, the weight of responsibility felt heavier on your shoulders, knowing that a significant conversation loomed on the horizon.

With the assistance of your grandfather, you had managed to keep the wolves at bay, providing a stable and nurturing environment for Ace, Sabo, and Luffy.

You had shielded them from the bitter truth of your family's legacy, enveloping them in the warmth of innocence for as long as possible.

Your hands lingered on a photo frame perched by your bedside, capturing a moment frozen in time: Ace, Sabo, and Luffy, your rays of sunshine.

Despite their penchant for mischief, especially when it came to playing pranks on your grandfather, their joy and laughter were the bedrock of your existence.

They had grown so much, both in stature and in spirit.

Luffy being 7 years old while Ace and Sabo were 11 years old.

With a tender smile, you clutched the photo frame, an emblem of the bond you shared, and gathered a stack of papers that held the weight of decisions yet to be disclosed.

Stepping out of the solitude of your room, you were immediately thrust into the cacophony of sibling rivalry emanating from the kitchen.

The scene before you was one of chaos and affection, Luffy's indignant cry slicing through the air, "No fair, Ace! Y/N Onee-chan made that specifically for me! Give it back!"

His voice, filled with a mixture of frustration and plea, echoed the innocence of youth and the simple joys that food and family could bring.

"Luffy, enough," you couldn't help but chuckle as you entered, your presence immediately quelling the commotion.

"Acey, share with your brothers. Remember, we're all we've got."

Their faces, a mirror of your own youth and resilience, looked up at you with a mixture of guilt and anticipation.

Here, in this kitchen filled with laughter and disputes over meals you painstakingly prepared, was the family you were determined to protect, no matter the cost.

It was time to sit them down, to finally share the decision that would alter the course of your collective futures.

Gathered around the kitchen table, a solemn atmosphere enveloped you and your siblings, a stark contrast to the earlier light-hearted squabbles over breakfast.

Sabo, perceptive as ever, was the first to sense the gravity of the moment, his gaze shifting between you and the travel bag you had placed conspicuously at your side.

"Is everything alright, Y/N Nee-san?" Sabo's concern was palpable, a reflection of the deep bond you shared.

You offered him a gentle pat on the head, a small gesture of reassurance.

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