Chapter 14 : First Day

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Chapter 14 : First Day

Three days had passed since your brother's last call, a conversation that ended with the promise of an upcoming visit.

Anticipation hung in the air, mingling with the daily hustle of scheduling surgeries and managing documentation.

The addition of Marco to your team was an exciting prospect, his reputation and skills making him an ideal candidate to meet, if not exceed, your expectations.

In the midst of this, thoughts of the pending meeting with Mr. Whitebeard loomed in the back of your mind.

No date had been set yet, leaving you in a state of readiness, waiting for confirmation.

Amid these considerations, you found yourself engrossed in work, fingers flying over your computer's keyboard, orchestrating the rhythm of your day.

However, this focused serenity was abruptly shattered by the insistent ring of your office phone, the sound startling you into spilling your coffee across the desk in a chaotic splash.

"Ah! Fuck, Shit, Balls," you blurted out, a mixture of surprise and annoyance coloring your words as you scrambled to salvage what you could from the caffeinated disaster.

The persistent ringing of the phone became a distant concern as you focused on containing the mess.

Then, amidst the turmoil, a knock at the door signaled a pause in the chaos.

The door creaked open, revealing a familiar face, one that instantly shifted the atmosphere of the room.


His expression was a complex tapestry of emotions, guilt being the most prominent.

The sight of him, coupled with the unexpected interruption, added layers of complexity to an already eventful morning.

"Heyyyyyy Nee-chan~" Ace attempted to exude an air of nonchalance, but the nervous undercurrent in his voice betrayed him.

His eyes darted around the room, scanning for potential pranks or traps you might have laid out for him, a testament to his anticipatory dread of the forthcoming conversation.

Standing up from your desk with a smirk, you greeted him warmly yet teasingly, "Look who it is~ If it isn't my knucklehead baby brother."

Your tone, lighthearted and mocking, served to ease some of the tension that had built up the moment Ace appeared at your door.

Inviting him to take a seat across from you, you watched, amused, as Ace tiptoed towards the chair, his eyes wide and alert for any sign of your notorious pranks.

The sight of your brother being so cautious in your presence brought a chuckle to your lips, highlighting the playful yet profound bond you shared.

Finally deeming it safe, Ace settled into the chair, his posture slightly tense as he began to rub the back of his neck — a clear sign of his nervousness.

He offered a nervous chuckle, an attempt to lighten the mood, "Soooooooo..I heard that you found out. What's that like..?"

His attempt at humor was cautious, a veiled effort to gauge your reaction to the news of his injury.

Your gaze, however, was drawn to the arm sling he sported, a vivid reminder of the severity of his recent ordeal.

The sight of it served as a silent testament to the battles he had faced, and the protective instincts it stirred within you were palpable.

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