Chapter 3 : Dr Y/N

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Chapter 3 : Dr Y/N

The tranquility of your office was shattered in an instant when a sudden vibration and a thunderous slam on your desk jolted you awake.

In an involuntary reaction, you let out a sharp scream, startled by the abrupt disturbance.

"I WASN'T SLEEPING!" you blurted out defensively, your voice echoing through the room as your eyes scrambled to adjust to the figure looming at the other end of the table.

As your vision cleared, the identity of the intruder became unmistakably clear: Trafalgar D. Water Law.

A wave of dread washed over you as you realized the inevitable confrontation that awaited.

Your face drained of color, anticipating the familiar blend of lecture and reprimand that Law was all too skilled at delivering.

Observing him more closely, you couldn't help but notice the pronounced dark circles under his eyes, a clear testament to the relentless workload he had been shouldering.

It was evident that his patience was wearing thin, especially upon discovering that, while he toiled tirelessly, you had succumbed to the temptation of a brief respite.

"You.. Do you want to die?" His voice was low, laced with a menacing edge that seemed to darken the very air around him.

You could almost perceive a shadowy aura emanating from him as he fixed you with a glare that could freeze blood.

Panic set in, and you found yourself sweating profusely under his intense scrutiny.

In a desperate attempt to deflect his anger, you raised your hands defensively, stammering out a denial, "I SWEAR I WASN'T NAPPING!"

"YOU FREAKING BRAT! STOP LYING! YOU HAVE A PIECE OF PAPER STUCK ON YOUR CHEEK!" Law's voice escalated, his frustration manifesting in a roar that sent you into a state of heightened alarm.

"EEKKKKKK!" Reacting on instinct, you leaped up from your chair, attempting a hasty retreat.

However, Law was quick on your heels, skillfully cornering you within the confines of your own office.

Trapped and feeling utterly diminished under his towering presence, you could do nothing but wince as he reached out in a mockingly punitive gesture, pinching your cheeks with a firm grip.

"You had the nerve to laze around while I handled all the heavy loads?! I better get a 3 month vacation after this, you hear me, Y/N-ya!" Law's tirade continued, his method of 'torture' leaving you in a comically exaggerated display of distress, tears streaming down your face as you endured his reprimand.

The sound of a click resonated through the room, immediately drawing your and Law's attention to the doorway.

There, Sora stood, her expression one of amusement upon witnessing the scene before her—Law, with your cheeks still firmly within his grasp.

"SOARRAAAAAAAAA~ HE-elPPP MeEEEEE!~" Your plea for rescue emerged distorted and muffled, your attempt at articulation hampered by the predicament you found yourself in.

Sora, unable to contain her amusement, chuckled lightly, her hand delicately covering her mouth.

"Dr Law, I think Dr. Y/N has learned her lesson," she interjected, her voice laced with a playful reprimand.

Law, however, was not so easily swayed.

"Don't fall for it, Sora-ya! She never seems to learn her lesson! Napping away while we do her dirty laundry!"

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