Chapter 5 : You, Of Course

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Chapter 5 : You, Of Course

Leaning back against the railing, with your hands casually resting on it and your head tilted back to gaze at the sky, you took a moment for yourself.

The quiet act of drawing on your cigarette, watching the smoke swirl and dissipate into the air above, provided a brief respite from the weight of your professional responsibilities.

The news you had delivered to your patient and his family had been heavy, laden with uncertainty and concern for the future.

Seeking a momentary escape and a change of scenery, you found solace on the hospital's helicopter pad, where the vast expanse of the sky and the gently drifting clouds offered a semblance of peace and detachment from the complexities waiting below.

Sora, ever the constant in your life, stood silently by your side.

Her face, a familiar canvas of worry, reflected her deep concern for your well-being. Her presence, always comforting and unobtrusive, was a silent testament to the bond you shared—a bond strengthened by mutual respect and understanding.

Her silent vigil by your side was a source of quiet strength, a reminder of the support that sustained you through the challenges of your profession.

As the final wisps of smoke faded into the air, marking the end of your brief interlude, Sora chose her moment to speak, breaking the silence with news of her own.

"Dr. Y/N... Mr. Whitebeard has informed me that they would not be moving forward with the Grim Sweepers," she said, her voice carrying a mix of relief and curiosity about your reaction.

"That so? Oh well, their loss then," you responded nonchalantly, removing the cigarette from your lips and extinguishing it with a sense of finality.

Your words, light yet laced with an undercurrent of disappointment, masked the deeper thoughts that might have been stirring within you.

The decision, while respecting the family's wishes, also closed off a potential avenue for addressing the threats that loomed over them—a reality you accepted with pragmatic resignation.

Perched atop the hospital, a rare moment of solitude enveloped you as you leaned against the railing, the cityscape sprawling beneath the expanse of the sky.

The act of lighting another cigarette was a small rebellion against the day's demands, a brief indulgence in the midst of relentless responsibilities.

"Should I inform Dr. Law to update the Grim Sweepers?" she asked, ever mindful of the intricacies involved in such delicate matters.

You shook your head slightly, exhaling a stream of smoke before responding.

"Nah, I'll do it. I don't have any operation today, so I'll be able to handle the workloads today," you said, the smoke curling into the air as you spoke, signaling your readiness to take on the day's challenges directly.

Her eyes closed in a nod of understanding, yet her curiosity about your presence on the helipad prompted another question, "Why are you up here, Dr. Y/N? You don't usually come here."

It was a gentle probe, an invitation to share more than just your need for a nicotine fix.

Your response was gruff, a half-hearted attempt to justify your choice of location.

"So people don't see my face while I smoke," you grumbled, the words muffled slightly by the cigarette between your lips.

She countered softly, "You can smoke in your office," her intuition sensing the layers of unsaid truths that lay beneath your excuse.

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