Chapter 12 : Can't Wait

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Chapter 12 : Can't Wait

In the hospital's break room, Sora and Law found themselves utterly drained from the day's exhaustive work.

Sora was sprawled on the floor, her limbs spread out as if she were trying to absorb coolness from the tiles, while Law was slumped over the sofa, his body contouring to its shape in sheer fatigue.

Both of them were too tired to even complain about their predicament, their energy spent on the whirlwind of tasks that had consumed their day.

The door creaked open, Dr. Kureha and Dr. Crocus stepped in, only to pause at the threshold, taken aback by the sight.

The elder doctors, seasoned by years of medical emergencies and long hours, couldn't help but let out amused chuckles at the younger doctors' expense.

"What in the world happened here?" Dr. Kureha asked, her voice laced with mirth as she observed the duo's defeated postures.

She crossed her arms, a bemused smile playing on her lips, her eyes twinkling with a mix of amusement and slight concern.

Dr. Crocus, leaning on his cane, simply shook his head, a wide grin spreading across his face.

"Looks like they've been through the wringer. I remember my days of feeling like a pancake on the floor," he commented, his voice deep and filled with a hint of nostalgia.

Sora managed to lift her head, her voice weak but filled with a dramatic flair, "It's been a battlefield out there. I think I've forgotten what my bed feels like."

Law, with a groan, turned his head to look at the newcomers, attempting to muster a smile but failing miserably.

"I'm officially resigning from adulthood. Find Bepo and I a nice retirement home."

Dr. Kureha walked over, her laughter softening to a compassionate smile, "Get up, you two. You'll catch a cold lying there. How about I brew some of my special rejuvenating tea? It might not fix everything, but it'll help."

Dr. Crocus offered his hand to help Sora up, "And I'll get you some of those energy bars. They're no feast, but they'll tide you over until you can get a proper meal."

The room filled with a light-hearted energy, a stark contrast to the weariness that had initially permeated it.

Revitalized slightly by Dr. Kureha's special tea and Dr. Crocus's energy bars, Sora and Law found themselves sitting upright, surrounded by their elder colleagues who were now eager to hear the story behind their exhaustion.

With cups of tea in their hands, the pair exchanged weary glances, knowing it was time to divulge the chaotic series of events that led to their current state.

"Well," Sora began, taking a cautious sip of her tea, "it all started with Dr Y/N deciding to unleash her creative side on Law."

Her tone was a mix of amusement and exasperation, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth despite the fatigue.

Law, rubbing his temples, chimed in, "By 'creative side,' she means a series of pranks! My office... my car... even my house didn't escape unscathed."

The annoyance was evident in his voice, but so was a grudging respect for the ingenuity behind the pranks.

Sora continued, "And while Law was navigating his newly decorated life, Dr Y/N thought it would be a fantastic idea for me to handle all her backend work. Every single document, plans, and meeting scheduled for today was dumped on my desk."

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