Minji's suggestion filled the space between us, a glimmer of hope in the darkness. "We can renovate this place, rebuild what's been broken. But only when the time is right, when the police and the law allow us. We have to wait till that. "

Her practicality grounded me, offering a path forward in the midst of uncertainty. Together, we would reclaim this space, infusing it with new life while honoring the memories that still lingered within its walls.

"And about Hoseok oppa, is he here ?" I inquired, concern for him weighing heavily on my heart.

"He was here," Minji confirmed, her voice tinged with sadness. "But he left not long ago. He seemed...distressed."

The image of Hoseok oppa , haunted and tormented by the events unfolding before him, pierced my soul. How could we comfort him when we were barely holding onto our own fragile threads of sanity?

"I wanted to comfort him," Minji continued, her sorrow palpable even in the afterlife. "But he's always been a scared cat, and I'm not sure how he feels seeing me like this. I didn't want to add more to his already troubled mind. "

As the moon dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the garden, Minji and I remained locked in our silent conversation, finding solace in each other's company amidst the chaos of loss. In her presence, I found strength, a beacon of light guiding me through the darkness, one whispered conversation at a time.

As I sat with Minji's  in the garden, seeking solace in her ethereal presence, a voice shattered the fragile peace I had found. It wasn't Minji's gentle whisper but a sinister tone that sent shivers down my spine. Turning, I faced a woman cloaked in black, her demeanor oozing with malice.

"Y/N, you are here. I was searching for you," she taunted, her words dripping with sinister intent. I bristled at her presence, instinctively recognizing the danger she posed.

"Who are you and what the hell are you doing here?" I demanded, my voice laced with defiance. This intruder, with her calculated gaze and predatory demeanor, had no place in our home.

"Oh, Y/N, I thought you knew me after all I'm the one who orchestrated all this but I guess you don't know me," she retorted, a smirk playing on her lips. Her arrogance fueled my anger, pushing me to confront her head-on.

"Cut the crap. what the hell are you doing in my house?" I pressed, refusing to yield to her manipulative tactics.

"I'm Kim Wansun," she declared, her words sending suspicion. Recognition dawned upon me, the pieces of a sinister puzzle falling into place. She was the orchestrator of our family's torment, the puppeteer pulling the strings from the shadows. I could say it with the look in her eyes.

"Have you come here to collect the dead bodies?" I challenged, refusing to cower in the face of her malevolence. If she sought to instill fear, she would end up  finnding in hers .

"Who cares about them," she scoffed, her callous disregard for human life sending a surge of fury coursing through me. "I just hired them for another body to send to Mr. Kim. I guess he loves you like his daughter, so it will be a great present for his birthday, wouldn't it?"

Her words struck a nerve, igniting a fierce determination within me. I refused to be a pawn in her twisted game, to be used as leverage against my own family.

"Try me," I challenged, my voice unwavering as I met her gaze head-on. I would not back down, not when the safety of my loved ones hung in the balance.

"You think I won't?" she sneered, reaching for something concealed within her pocket. Instinctively, I reached for the gun hidden within my coat, my fingers closing around its familiar weight.

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