-28- Sins Strung Between Them

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Henry awoke abruptly to yelling, he opened his eyes scanning the room, he spotted Maddox sat up in the bed staring at the door and using the covers to conceal himself.

Sitting up in a daze Henry took in the rest of the bedroom, that's when he saw it. His heart dropped and it felt like someone had just driven a bus into him.

Mr and Mrs Young stood there looking aghast at what they were seeing, their son in bed with another boy, the boy who they'd allowed into their home.

No one spoke for a good few seconds, each person staring between each other in pure shock at what was happening.

Maddox broke the silence first in the most Maddox way possible "Have you ever heard of knocking?" He asked sassily narrowing his eyes at the pair. Henry kicked him lightly under the bed making the blonde roll his eyes.

Henry's parents still remained silent continuously glancing at each other then back at Henry and Maddox before finally his Mom spoke up tears in her eyes "Son... are you gonna tell us what's going on?" Mrs Young whispered out quietly.

"I'm gay" Henry admitted calmly, he slowly began pulling his pants on under the covers as Maddox did the same, then he picked his shirt up shoving that over his head not daring to even slip a glance at his parents reaction to him coming out, but their silence spoke volumes.

"Say it again... just so I know god will forgive me for what I'm gonna do to you" Mr Young snarled clenching his fists.

"He said he's GAY, G then A then Y, are you deaf or what?" Maddox answered for Henry stepping in between the father and son protectively.

"No. It's spelt F then A then double G, then O then T" Mr Young countered smugly.

"Go fuck yourself" Maddox spat back pissed off now. "He's your son"

"Maybe he should start acting like it and quit being a faggot then, I don't know what's happened to you Henry or what this horrible boy did to you, but you need to snap out of it right away" Mrs Young fretted glancing up at Henry.

"I'm still the exact same person, I just like boys. What's wrong with that" Henry protested his eyes darkening, this was what he'd always feared. Them finding out he was gay, they didn't know he was poly yet. He himself had only just come to terms with that, but adding that to the mix would only make a bad situation worse.

"He's your only child. Are you really gonna hate him because he's doesn't fit into some two thousand year old scriptures?" Maddox challenged.

Henry shot the blonde a grateful look to which Maddox returned with an unassuming nod.

"He's no son of ours if he's a faggot" Mrs Young whispered spitefully.

"The bloodline is tainted either way, we've failed as parents" Mr Young stated solemnly.

"Yes you have, completely" Henry told them making his Dad shoot him an absolutely enraged stare, Henry didn't falter. He stared back at his Dad like they were engaging in an Olympic level staring contest until the older man eventually looked away in disgust.

"You being gay is a sin, you'll burn in hell. You're a monster" Mr Young snarled saliva spilling from his mouth from sheer anger, Henry pushed past his parents ignoring the yelling from behind him, he could hear Maddox going ham on his parents, them angrily retorting shouting right back at the blonde but that didn't matter, not now.

If his parents wanted him to be a monster, he'd be a monster. They asked for it. So he's give them what they wanted.

Heading into the living room Henry lit a match, he watched the glow of the flame begin to slowly absorb the stick, he kept it there until the bright flame began to lick at his fingers. He then threw the match onto the couch, it immediately set the soft couch ablaze making a loud whooshing noise, Henry back away as flames built up spreading across the couch.

He quickly crossed the room striking another match, without hesitating this time he threw it straight onto a pile of papers. They also burst into flames. Simultaneously the smoke alarm began blaring out aggressively.

The shouting from upstairs ceased almost immediately, Henry wasn't going to give anyone a chance to put this out, lighting another match he threw it onto the bookcase that sat beside the door. The wooden frame began to slowly envelope in flames. Henry glanced around the room as it filled with hazy smoke. This is what he'd always dreamed of.

"Henry what have you done!" Mr Young yelled from the doorway "YOU PIECE OF SHIT WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!"

"Henry get out of there, fuck sake quick!" Maddox yelled fear etched into his voice.

"Henry!" Mrs Young screeched.

Henry ignored their yells, his parents wanted him to burn in hell, so he was making them and everything they held dear burn like hell before he left this house for good.

If he left so did the house, it burnt to the ground with the family. The ashes of their formerly perfect family would rest on the ruins of where this house once stood proud.

Striking yet another match Henry flung it across the room, it hit a wall lighting part of the wallpaper on fire as it bounced off landing with a thud inside a potted plant setting that immediately ablaze too.

"Henry please come on! You're gonna inhale too much smoke" Maddox choked out between coughs, he was the only one still in the house. Sirens were blaring from close by now too, it wouldn't be long before his fun was spoilt. Maybe he'd even be sent to juvey.

Thinking fast Henry knew he had to leave to ensure Maddox did as well, he began to rush over to the door but just as he did a loud crash split the air as the bookcase beside it tumbled to the ground blocking his escape route.

"HENRY" Maddox screamed. Flaming rubble was blocking his path out, looking frantically at the window Henry felt fear running through him, the curtains were on fire too. He couldn't get out the window or door. He was gonna burn to death in here, just like Sierra.

Karma had come full circle and he was getting his just desserts for what he'd done.

"Get out of here Maddox! I'm trapped" Henry wheezed loudly through coughs and chokes. He could barely see through the smoke now, each breath was a struggle becoming raspier and quickened.

The heat was almost unbearable, desperately Henry reached for the burning pile of rubble attempting to move some of it but yelled out in agony falling backwards, he stared at his hands the skin peeling off and blistering gorily. It looked like an injury straight out of a torture chamber.

"I'm so sorry Sierra" Henry whispered to himself feeling his consciousness beginning to fade, this must've been how she'd felt, but even worse. She was scared and alone in a dark forest with a broken ankle. At least he was in the comfort of his own home, surrounded by the thing he craved most.

Closing eyes and putting his head back Henry accepted it, he was going to die here and that was okay. He was at peace with that.

As a white light began to fill his vision the heat became excruciatingly painful. Henry felt strong arms lifting him, he was ascended into the air feeling like he was floating, was god real? Was he being taken to heaven?

Smiling soundly Henry felt cooler, he felt more comfortable now, and it felt like he was moving really fast with vague siren like noises in his ears. Dying felt strange. It was a shame he wouldn't be able to tell anyone this was what it was like.

Death was something everyone feared at some point in their life if not all of it, yet it was actually so tranquil. All his troubles felt like they were leaving his body, it would all be over soon.

Henry took one last deep breath then lost consciousness a smile tugged onto his face, he'd see Sierra again now. He wouldn't have to feel guilty anymore now that they were reunited.

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