-12- Burning Consequences

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That evening Henry sat alone in his room, he'd had his evening meal already so was left to his own thoughts now. In that current moment two things were plaguing his mind, Sierra and fire.

Henry still felt so guilty for what had happened to her, his best friend. He'd killed her and he wasn't sure he could ever forgive himself for it. She should still be here. Alive.

The urge to start another big fire had been creeping around in his brain ever since though, he wanted to feel the burning heat against his skin whilst watching something be engulfed in red, orange and yellow flickering flames crackling fiercely letting out clouds of thick, dark smoke.

Fire had become his obsession, his way of taking control. Making a mark on the world that refused to accept him. He also felt he needed to let off steam after his confession to Maddox, he didn't regret telling the blonde his true feelings but he also felt he might've jumped the gun a bit.

Not allowing bad thoughts to fester Henry bounded down the stairs. He swung the door open heading into the dimly lit evening streets.

Strolling for a while Henry eventually found a location he thought would be fit for his burning desires, the local park. The gates had by now been shut and locked with a heavy padlock but that didn't matter, Henry scaled one of the railings with ease dropping to the ground on the other side stealthily.

Using his phone torch to guide him through the pitch black landscape he found a spot that suited him, a group of dry leaved bushes surrounded by piles of similarly dried up tree leaves and twigs.

Feeling adrenaline coursing through his veins Henry struck a match deftly, the flame licked and flickered at the end of the match lighting up Henry's face in its warm glow. With a flick Henry dropped it into the biggest of the bushes watching as it set alight.

He gazed in awe as the flames enveloped the bush slowly spreading to the ones beside it exploding in bright colors. Standing close Henry couldn't rip his emerald green gaze away from the spectacle. It was so beautiful.

Lighting another match Henry tossed it into the brambles, dead leaves and twigs that littered the ground. This one wasn't as impressive. It fizzled slightly bursting a few of the leaves into flames before the wind blew it all out unceremoniously.

Turning back to the bigger fire Henry watched the smoke rise into the sky mixing with the gray, misty clouds.

Suddenly sirens split the evening air ringing loudly through the silence. Ignoring them Henry continued to watch the fire, however this changed when he heard the park gates squeaking open. Swivelling around he spotted a group of cops pushing the rusty gates open. Thinking quick Henry legged it away from his creation.

Sprinting through the bristle Henry looked back, the cops were giving chase and gaining on him fast. He found a fence he could duck under to get back onto the roads so he quickly crouched under it making it onto the cement streets.

His elusive flight was suddenly cut short when an officer jumped out from behind the corner tackling him to the ground, they both tumbled to the floor rolling over on the tarmac.

"GET OFF" Henry yelled pulling his lighter out to try burn the cops hand, the cop dodged swivelling Henry around and pressing him onto the cold floor, feeling grit digging into his cheek Henry stopped struggling panting hard.

"You're under arrest, you have the right to remain silent" the officer spat at him, more footsteps filled the air as the other cops caught up. They slowly cuffed Henry's wrists behind his back guiding him to the squad car, he remained silent looking at the floor stonily. This was gonna be bad.

The car set off driving steadily to the police station, Henry was roughly herded inside then taken to a small questioning room. He sat there for a good while before an officer walked into the room. The officer sat down opposite him observing Henry silently.

"You gonna stare at me all day or...? Henry questioned dragging out the last word of his sentence as locked his gaze with the officer not letting himself be intimidated.

"Arson, evading arrest and assaulting a uniformed officer" the officer replied looking down at the jet black clipboard rested on the table.

Henry didn't respond, so the officer continued "Those are serious charges that we have irrefutable proof of, what's your name?"

"Why should I tell you" Henry mumbled back quietly.

The officer raised his eyebrows making him sigh "Henry Young" Henry supplied coldly

"Right" the officer noted it down "Age?"

"15" Henry answered still quiet.

"15?!" The officer exclaimed in shock eyeing Henry up and down, Henry just nodded in confirmation, inwardly he wasn't regretting what he'd done. He was just regretting that he let himself get caught.

"That changes things, I'll be back in a moment" He told Henry standing up then walking out of the room, he returned a 20 minutes later

"Your parents have been notified, we have made contact to a juvenile prison to put you on their radar, since this is a first offence I've been recommended to let you off the hook, you're parents are on their way now" the officer informed him looking disappointed that he ry was being let go after what he did.

"Okay" Henry replied letting out a small sigh of relief, juvey was the last thing he needed right now.

Henrys parents soon arrived, they looked absolutely pissed off but complied with the officers filling out the necessary paperwork and sending hostile glances at Henry every now and then.

Once they'd finished they all got in the car, Henry sat back once again sighing heavily. "What the hell did you think you were doing?" Mr Young yelled aggressively clutching the steering wheel in rage.

"You could've faced serious charges!" Mrs Young added shaking her head in utter dissatisfaction.

"Did you light that forest fire then? Is this just one of a string of fires you've been lighting?" Mr Young asked, neither of them were letting Henry get a word in edge ways.

"You are such a disappointment sometimes Henry, sometimes you make me so so so ashamed to be your mother, you know that?" Mrs Young spat meanly.

"Thanks mom" Henry replied coldly pressing his face against the cold, glass window and watching the scenery fly by.

"Are you not even taking accountability? Seriously?" Mr Young snapped.

"I am, I did it, I'm not denying that. And I'd do it again in a heartbeat" Henry mumbled back not bothering to look forward and see his parent's disappointed glances at having him for a son.

Both his parents let out over dramatic groans at his words, his mother clasped her head in her hands in despair whilst his dad just silently continued to drive. A tense quiet filled the air as they drove back home.

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