-10- The New Heights Club

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Once he'd reached home Henry snuck up to his room until dinner, his dinner was uneventful with his parents mostly complaining about the neighbours baby crying all throughout the day. After he'd finished his food he crept up the stairs once more. The time sat quietly eating a warm bowl of pasta had gotten him thinking. More specifically about the mysterious New Heights Club.

Maddox has stoically warned him from going near even a mention of the club. He'd told Henry he wouldn't want to get mixed up in it. This only intrigued Henry more though.

Pulling out his phone he quickly googled the club. The search revealed a bar nearby matching the name, clicking on their website Henry was met with bright colors and a flashy logo. This was a gay bar. That made sense considering Maddox himself was gay.

Selecting the map option Henry viewed the route, it was only a 25 minute walk from him, and it was open from 4pm-4am. Feeling curiosity filling him Henry couldn't help himself. He left the house without even letting his parents know following the path his phone maps had laid out for him.

Eventually he reached the building he'd seen on google, bright lights and muffled music pulsed from within, a bouncer stood on the door wearing a smart black suit. He lacked the stereotypical bodyguard tinted shades that they have in the movies but was still a bouncer none the less.

Henry confidently walked up to him, he glanced at the chalkboard on the entrance door, entry fee was $15. He pulled out a $10 and a $5 handing them over to the bouncer, the bouncer looked down at the money, pocketing it before beckoning for more.

"It's only $15" Henry told him stonily.

"You're underage" The bouncer countered smugly. Rolling his eyes Henry felt around in his pockets, he didn't have any more money however, he was lucky he'd had just enough to get in. Sighing Henry stared back up at the bouncer hoping he'd just let him in.

The bouncers expression however had shifted to one of realisation "Hang on, you're one of the new hires aren't you? No wonder I haven't seen your pretty face around here before" he said to Henry creepily.

"Yeah... sure am" Henry answered seizing the opportunity to get in.

The bouncer hurriedly gave Henry his money back, Henry gratefully accepted "You guys don't have to pay, but you owe me. Just like the others always do, alright?" The bouncer grinned at him sinisterly.

"Alright, that's fine with me" Henry answered with a small, awkward laugh. He most likely wouldn't be coming back here after today so didn't need to worry about owing the creepy bouncer anything.

"I'm Greg by the way. Just so if anyone mentions me being ready for you, you know what they mean. I'll be off shift in half an hour" Greg told him briskly, he then turned to another customer who was approaching the club leaving Henry to wander in.

As he entered Henry's senses were completely assaulted. The air was thick with the smells of booze and sweaty men. The music was vibrating aggressively off the walls as people danced messily to the tune. Lights flickered crazily around, this would be an epileptics worst nightmare frankly.

Walking up to the bar Henry took a seat, the man beside him eyed him up with a smirk "You're cute" he slurred out nodding his head at Henry whilst swaying back and forth.

"Cool, you're not" Henry argued back sending a look of disgust at the old man.

"You'd still be submissive for me though" the old man told him raising his eyebrows still slurring his words slightly.

"Yeah right" Henry replied rolling his eyes at the creepy old man, if he wasn't so drunk Henry would accuse him of being a pedo. And even whilst drunk he definitely still was one.

Before Henry had any time to react the old man wrapped his arms around his shoulders, immediately Henry jumped up from the stool sending the disgusting man a hostile look.

"Get your hands off me creep" Henry snarled out, lightly shoving the man who was also now stood up. The old man looked taken aback for a second so taking full advantage of this Henry booked it through a nearby door, he looked for the bathroom hurriedly.

Rushing through another doorway he found himself in a long, narrow corridor. There were doors on both sides snaking along the corridor.

Hesitantly Henry opened one hoping it'd be the bathroom being for some reason unmarked, but instead he was met with a surprise. Inside was a bedroom. There was a single bed inside of it, disturbingly it also resembled a child's room. There were big stuffed bears lying on the ground, beside them toys and dolls. Crudely drawn images of trees, cats and dogs littered the walls like a child had stuck them up there.

Confused Henry backed out the room, he approached another one opening that door. He was met with the same view as before. A child's room. However this time on the floor he spotted an open wooden box. Peeping into it from the doorway craning his neck so he could see Henry saw rope, a roll of duct tape, a ball gag and a tub of Vaseline inside it. Beside that box was another identical one, dread filling him Henry approached it and opened it up, he then staggered back hurriedly his heart racing.

Inside it was sex toys of all kinds. Along with pictures depicting pornographic content of what looked like underage boys. This is not what he'd expected and was absolutely sickening to the core. Starting to back away out of the door Henry bumped into something firm. He turned around quickly coming face to face with the bouncer from before.

"You ready?" Greg asked his voice deep and authoritative.

"You're sick" Henry whispered back glancing at the boxes again "I'm underage" he added hastily hoping this was all some big misunderstanding.

"I know. It's what you signed up for. It's what they all sign up for, we made a deal boy. Now it's you're turn to fulfil your side of the bargain" Greg informed him stonily, he then stepped into the room shutting the door behind himself.

"What if I don't give consent? Cause I don't" Henry answered taking a step back as Greg advanced forward.

"The consent is entry to this club, and the dollar bills you'll get once we're done. You know the rules" Greg responded looking impatient now.

Henry hurriedly rushed past him trying to open the door but being forced back by rough, dirty hands.

"LET GO" Henry yelled but his cries became muffled as Greg's hands covered his mouth.

"Shhh, shhh little one, it's gonna be fine" Greg whispered his voice now laced with a creepily soft undertone.

Struggling in Greg's grip Henry bit down hard on his thumb as if it were the pasta he'd eaten earlier, Greg yelped in pain his hands shooting off Henry to inspect the damage, Henry could taste the distinct taste of blood in his mouth as he whipped a lighter out of his pocket holding it up aggressively.

"Am I supposed to be scared of a lighter?" Greg spat mockingly blood dripping from his thumb as he nursed it.

"Depends if you want to keep your hair or not?" Henry threatened moving daringly closer with the lighter. At this remark Greg's eyes widened.

"Get out! I'm gonna have you fired!" Greg yelled opening the door forcefully but wincing as his thumb made contact with it.

"Gladly" Henry retorted coldly, he then pocketed the lighter and speed walked out of the New Heights Club his mind racing with what had just happened. He was almost raped. The guy knew he was underage. No wonder Maddox told him to stay away if that was what they did to minors, Henry just hoped Maddox hadn't experienced it first hand...

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