-2- Guilty Conscious

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The next morning Henry's alarm blared out, he shut it off blinking the tiredness out of his eyes, he hadn't slept at all that night. All he could think about was Sierra and the fire. He'd kept looking out his window being able to see the smoke plus the glow from the fire out of it. It didn't feel real to him what had happened, but his fascination with the fire only grew as he headed downstairs.

Both his parents were sat on the couch eyes glued to the screen. The woods next to their small town were being shown from above. Smoke still filled the air as firefighters tackled the blaze that continued to burn even now, it had engulfed the entire forest leaving nothing but smoke and ashes in its wake, and Sierra...

"Have you seen this Henry?" Mrs Young asked pointing at the television not sparing him a glance her eyes still fixated on the coverage that was now interviewing local residents.

"Is that the pine woods near us?" Henry questioned feigning ignorance as he stood behind his parents.

"Yes" Mr Young replied shortly tapping his foot impatiently as a resident described in dramatic detail how they'd found out about the fire.

"That's so crazy" Henry told them trying to sound the least suspicious that he could but failing miserably, luckily his parents were too focused on the news to notice.

"Do you think they'll interview us? Should I put my nice dress on?" Mrs Young asked quizzically glancing at her husband, he just shook his head dismissively taking a bite from his toast.

"I'm setting off for school now Mom, see you later" Henry informed her tossing his backpack over his shoulders hurriedly.

"Oh Henry one moment" Mrs Young called after him swivelling on the couch to face him "You know the walk you went on last night with Sierra, and some of the others. Do you know if she went home? One of her.... Moms called me last night and this morning worried" she said cocking her head to the side.

Henry gulped his emerald green eyes darting to the floor instantly "Uh, no I don't know. She left with the others" Henry answered.

"Okay, you tell her Moms that if you get the chance, I don't wanna speak to those sinners" Mrs Young ordered scowling at the mere thought of the couple before turning back to the news with her husband.

Henry shivered slightly at the comment, her hatred for Sierra's parents was no secret, they dared to be a same sex married couple. Which pissed off his religious parents significantly. Imagine how they'd react if they knew he swung for the same sex too.

The school bus stopped outside his house abruptly, Henry hopped onto it showing his card then heading inside the rowdy bus, he spotted Peter, Jack and Lucy all sat together at the back so joined them hastily.

All eyes landed on him as he sat down. "Did you light that fire?" Lucy asked instantly.

"Good morning to you too Lucy, no I didn't" He retorted turning to look out the window not meeting his friends gazes.

"Sierras missing, she's literally missing and the woods burnt down when you and her said you were gonna do that" Jack pointed out his eyes narrowing.

"Yeah I know, she asked if I wanted to go back and do it but I said no, you know my parents they'd have killed me if I got home too late, they think 15 year olds can't have social lives" Henry argued feeling an uncomfortable, guilty gnawing in his chest as he lied. Nobody could find out what he did or what happened to Sierra, he felt almost responsible for her death.

"What do we do? We can't tell the police or they'll think we did it!" Peter said worriedly biting his lip and glancing between the group.

"We just keep our mouths shut, they'll accuse us of burning it down and being the reason she's missing if we say anything" Henry insisted coming off strong his words laced with determination.

"But Sierra could be hurt out there, surely she's more important" Lucy objected grasping Jacks hand in her own for comfort, though he looked way more scared about it than she did.

"I don't know" Jack whispered out "Henry's got a point"

"Maybe she's just passed out drunk somewhere, she did have a lot of beer and vodka" Henry whispered back in a hushed voice not ensuring no other passengers heard of their escapade.

"Maybe" Lucy commented not looking reassured.

"What if she's dead" Peter choked out fidgeting with his glasses nervously.

"Don't say that!" Lucy snapped harshly kicking Peters ankle lightly. Peter apologised looking away but the horrific question lingered over the group. It made Henry feel more and more guilty. It felt like it was all his fault, she was almost certainly dead, she'd broken her ankle and become unresponsive to his cries for her.

As the bus grounded to a halt Henry rushed out of it speeding his way to the bathrooms, he entered immediately looking into one of the mirrors. His panicked, wide green eyes stared back at him as sweat slipped down his forehead glistening in the harsh bathroom light.

Henry turned on the tap dousing his face in the ice cold substance. It woke him up a bit calming him slightly "It's not my fault" He whispered to himself shakily once again looking into the mirror his face dripping from the water now, however as he gazed into the mirror he met eyes with another boy stood behind him in the doorway of one of the cubicles.

"What's not your fault?" The boy questioned nonchalantly pacing over to the sinks and turning a tap on to wash his hands. He dispensed the soap looking expectantly at Henry for a response.

"Nothing" Henry retorted taking in his features. He had a mop of blonde hair covering his head, it was curled slightly but perfectly done. His eyes were blue like the sky in summer though a slight dimness radiated within them, his frame was skinny but not too skinny. The one thing that stood out was a big brown bruise protruding on his arm.

Noticing Henry's gaze lower to his bruise the boy rolled his eyes "Everyone's doing that, stop staring. I fell off my skateboard, I haven't been in a fight" He insisted.

"I doubt you'd win one" Henry answered bitterly making the boys eyes narrow at him forming into small blue slits.

"I'm not the one checking myself out in the school bathrooms" The boy countered folding his arms sassily, Henry nodded a small smile flickering onto his face, he respected that comeback.

The boy then dried off his hands pushing past Henry lightly. Henry watched him go before turning back to look in the mirror. His reflection was the same as before, he was still Henry Young, still the same boy. Only now he had the guilt of Sierra's blood on his hands and a penchant for fire he was struggling to shake.

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