-5- Trailer Park

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Henry followed the blonde boy through muddy fields and winding pavements unsure why he was even doing it himself. There was no reason for him to follow Maddox yet something inside him made him curious as to where Maddox lived.

The rain had by this point ceased leaving the air damp with a frosty bite nipping at Henry's exposed face. The black funeral outfit he was wearing didn't provide much warmth either so his teeth were chattering as he kept his distance from Maddox ensuring the boy didn't spot him.

Maddox then took an abrupt sharp turn hopping over a wooden gate and into a trailer park that had caravans dotted around it, Henry stealthily followed also leap frogging over the gate skilfully landing in the grass.

At that point however fate seemed to have different ideas for Henry, Maddox swivelled around folding his arms in a smug stance eyeing Henry up.

"Not gonna lie, I didn't think you'd follow me all the way here. Can't decide if I'm impressed by your commitment to it or worried at why you're stalking me" Maddox called over before pacing towards Henry.

Henry shrugged sheepishly "When did you realise?" he asked.

"Straight away pretty much, you're about as stealthy as a bull in a China shop Henry" Maddox countered the smug smile still tugging at his lips. Henry wasn't impressed at being made a fool of by the smaller blonde but didn't argue.

Instead he walked with Maddox across the trailer park. Along the way various characters called out greetings to Maddox. This place was seemingly filled with the most bizarre people. There were hippies, bikers, housewives and children alike.

"What was the deal with your parents then?" Maddox asked lazily still making his way through the trailer park.

"I didn't love Sierra" Henry fired back with a small shrug of his shoulders feeling his cheeks heat up slightly.

"I gathered" Maddox answered dryly.

"She was my friend, but nothing more. My parents were just super obsessed with this fantasy of us getting married. She was the first friend of mine they ever met that was a girl I guess" Henry tried to explain.

"Right" Maddox replied shortly seeming uninterested in Henry's dialogue as they moved towards the back end of the muddy field.

They then stopped outside a run down, white and yellow trailer. It looked pretty unsuitable for living but it must be the place Maddox called home. Henry looked at it in slight disdain which Maddox noticed answering it with a silent eye roll before he spoke up.

"Why did you follow me then, really?" He queried forcefully leaning against the caravan wall with an air of authority.

"You ask a lot of questions you know, curiosity killed the cat" Henry told him dodging the question like it were a bullet flying in his direction, mostly because he didn't really even know the answer himself.

"What are you a politician?" Maddox asked a grin forming on his face at Henry's attempt at dodging the question "I'll try again, Why did you follow me here?"

"I don't really know to be honest" Henry admitted bashfully scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Come in, it's freezing out here" Maddox replied after a small pause leading the way into the shabby caravan. "My brother is out right now so nobodies home" he added quietly as Henry followed him inside, he rubbed his shoes on the welcome mat getting ready to kick them off politely but Maddox stopped him.

"The floor in here is as cold as a fucking igloo, keep your shoes on" He advised shaking his head. Henry did as he was told shimmying through the tight corridor before reaching a small couch indented into the wall in such a way it saved space whilst still being useful.

They both sat down on it Henry shuffling back awkwardly not sure what to say now he was here. It had seemed like the right thing to do to follow Maddox at the time, but now he wasn't sure what he was doing.

In an attempt to strike up conversation Henry said "Where's your brother then?"

"Club probably" Maddox replied with an uncaring shrug.

"What about your parents?" Henry continued not wanting an awkward silence to fill the space.

"You're gay" Maddox responded bluntly staring at Henry directly in the eyes his sapphire blue eyes unwavering.

Henry's eyes meanwhile widened at the accusation but he could sense Maddox had him sussed out "I'm not sure to be honest, I know I like guys but I might still like girls, haven't fully figured it out yet really" Henry explained.

Maddox nodded. "I'm gay, you don't need to worry about me beating the shit out of you for being a faggot or whatever" Maddox assured him confidently glancing at his nails absentmindedly.

"I'd like to see you try" Henry answered cockily bunching his fists up jokingly. Maddox didn't laugh though. A look of fear flashed momentarily across his previously tranquil face before he recomposed letting out a painstakingly obvious forced chuckle.  

"Your parents don't know then I assume" Maddox guessed glancing back up at Henry.

"Yep, they would crucify me, I don't think I'm even exaggerating" Henry stated stonily his face hardening. 

"I hate your parents" Maddox told him once again in an extremely blunt manner, thoughtless to how Henry might take it.

"Fair" Henry replied.

"You should go before Cory gets back" Maddox suggested folding his arms close to his chest.

"Cory?" Henry questioned cocking his head to the side.

"My brother" Maddox explained with a sassy roll of his eyes.

Without another word Henry got up pacing out of the Caravan, he took a glance back at it briefly before making his way back the way they'd come retracing his steps as best he could remember. It was dark as soot by the time he'd reached the familiar side of the neighbourhood. The stars were beginning to twinkle in the sky and the moon was showing its half cast form.

Henry lit a cigarette puffing the smoke into the dingy night air gratefully. He almost didn't want to go home but knew he had to. Sighing he dropped his cigarette on the pavement snuffing it out with his foot then slowly creeping up his drive. He grabbed hold of the cold door handle twisting it then pushing letting himself in, the hallway light beamed down on him blinding him momentarily in starch contrast to the dim outside lights, but Henry just blinked until his eyes adjusted then closed the door softly behind himself.

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