-29- Fated Goodbye

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Henry awoke to high pitched beeping and noisy whirring from all around him, he kept his eyes shut listening for sounds. It smelt musty in the air, wherever he was was really warm. There was also a strange sensation on his hands and his upper arm that he couldn't quite figure out.

He could also sense a person close by, he could hear the occasional rustling of someone moving about in a chair. The zip of the jacket they were wearing must've been scraping against a chair leg or something.

Finally mustering up the courage to open his eyes Henry did so, he flickered his emerald green eyes open and was met with an overwhelmingly harsh light in his face. He blinked furiously to regain his senses then sat up slowly taking in the room.

He was in a hospital room, Lying on a uncomfortable white bed. The weird sensation in his arm was an IV nestled in there feeding his veins some kind of medicine from a clear bag, and the odd feeling on his hands were bandages, his hands were completely wrapped in rough white bandages making it difficult to even move them without tugging at the tight wraps.

The next thing he noticed was Maddox, the blonde was sat on a metal chair beside his bed, his eyes were trained on Henry a glimmer of hope in them.

"You're awake" Maddox whispered "no shit" he added sarcastically.

"Hi" Henry said quietly before choking, he coughed for a good few minutes, it was the longest coughing fit he'd ever had and it felt truly like death.

"They said that'd happen when you woke up, it's cause you inhaled so much smoke" Maddox explained cautiously.

"My hands" Henry said stonily, nodding down at them.

"They were considering if they needed to give you a skin graft or not. You burnt them really badly" Maddox told him a pained tone lacing his words.

"Ok Doctor Maddox" Henry joked quietly making Maddox smile slightly.

"I'm glad you're okay" Maddox whispered out tears brimming in his sea blue eyes as he contemplated something, Henry could practically see the cogs turning in the blondes head so waited patiently for his words.

"Do you, remember what happened?" Maddox asked softly.

"Yes, they told me it was a sin and to burn in hell. So I wanted to make them burn like hell" Henry answered without missing a beat.

"Yeah" Maddox responded shortly his eyes hitting the floor.

"I don't regret it either before you ask" Henry continued "I'd do it again to those homophobic bastards in a heartbeat, and-"

He was abruptly interrupted by Maddox "I can't do this anymore Henry..." he choked out his voice barely above a whisper, a tear began to make its way down his face as it screwed up his lip wobbling.

"What do you mean?" Henry snapped in confusion. What was Maddox talking about?

"Us, I can't do it anymore. The way you act around fire. It terrifies me. I love you, but I- I don't want to live in fear that my boyfriend might kill himself or someone else using it, I can't anymore Henry!" Maddox explained his words tumbling out hurriedly.

Henry gazed at him feeling tears brimming up in his own eyes. "I'm sorry Maddox" Henry choked out unable to meet his boyfriends gaze.

"I know, I know you can't help it, I feel shit for doing this to you because you're in hospital and you need people right now, but I just can't. For my own sanity I just can't" Maddox said tearfully.

"Fuck off" Henry whispered making Maddox's eyes widen.

"Henry I-" he started.

"I said fuck off" Henry hissed "You've already broken up with me, don't rub salt in the wound by sitting there crying your own selfish eyes out when I'm literally lying in a hospital bed"

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