-23- Tensions Ablaze

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Cory stood there taking in the scene in front of him anger building in his eyes, Henry and Maddox froze completely both staring at Cory like deer in the headlights.

Maddox slowly retracted his hand from inside Henry's boxers and Henry tugged his pants back up as Maddox had pulled them down slightly to gain access.

"What. The. Actual. Fuck" Cory whispered in rage.

"Cory I can explain" Maddox stuttered standing up off of Henry. Henry sat up sheepishly unsure what to do having been caught in the act.

"You don't need to explain, you were about to fuck. Your hands were in his boxers, his pants were halfway down, your jackets on the floor" Cory listed spitefully.

"Cory wait" Maddox begged pleadingly but Cory interrupted him unsympathetically.

"All that whining you did about having to be fucked by the guys from the club when that literally paid our bills, all that self pity and feeling sorry for yourself telling me you wanted to die because of it... all of that and it turns out you liked it?" Cory spat.

"He didn't like it, he was used by them you bastard!" Henry snapped coldly.

"This isn't your battle to fight" Cory hissed at Henry silencing him with a glare.

"Cory... I- I-" Maddox spluttered lost for words, Henry had barely seen him like this before, he was completely stumped.

"I did not need this today, I didn't" Cory complained harshly.

"He didn't need you beating the shit out of him but you did anyway, you exploited him and let other people exploit his body, you are a fucking sick individual Cory. How do you sleep at night?" Henry yelled posing a threatening question at the end of his tirade.

"That's rich coming from you, I didn't kill my best friend, run like a coward then cover it up" Cory retorted a smirk etching onto his mean face.

Henry felt his blood turn cold, how did Cory know that? He'd only ever told Maddox...

"And if you ever go near my brother again I will go and tell the cops EVERYTHING" Cory yelled at him making Henry take a step back sizing Cory up.

"I can just tell them what you do to Maddox, we can become cellmates" Henry said mockingly mustering up all the courage he could to stand up to the significantly older man.

This took Cory by surprise but he nodded seemingly realising the double edged blade he'd pulled out with his initial threat.

"Why the fuck did you tell him Maddox?" Henry hissed turning to his boyfriend.

Maddox's eyes were filled with tears now "I- I'm sorry Henry, I had to" He whispered shamefully "he was beating me, I had to make it stop"

Henry was pissed, he'd told Maddox that in complete confidence, but the boy had blurted it to his abusive, manipulative brother to save his own ass.

"We can talk about this later" Henry told him quietly making Cory scoff.

"Trouble in paradise huh? There won't be a later for you two, I forbid it" Cory enforced coldly.

"Fuck you!" Maddox screeched running at Cory abruptly and slamming into him, Cory staggered back but kept his balance grabbing Maddox by the hair and yanking him forwards. Before Henry could do anything Maddox was shoved to the ground in a heap then a sharp kick was delivered to his chest making Maddox scream in pain.

Henry jumped into action getting in between the brothers making the scene turn messier, Cory shoved him against the wall making Henry momentarily freeze and the caravan shake from side to side, Henry was recalling the night Greg had tried to rape him, the positions were exactly the same. He couldn't let that happen...

Cory then began to hit him landing punches on his stomach, Henry winced in pain shielding himself and kicking out as Cory beat him relentlessly, Maddox stared up wildly from where was lay keeled over on the floor. "Stop!" He screamed begging Cory to stop.

Henry could feel his vision blurring as Cory landed a blow to his head. He needed to do something.

Feeling around in his pocket he fished out his lighter managing to turn it on just as Cory hit out, Cory's fist connected directly with the flame snuffing it out and breaking the lighter but yelping in pain. He nursed his hand as Henry scrambled up hastily.

Grabbing Maddox's fingers intertwining them in his own he pulled the blonde up to his feet. Hand in hand they rushed out the door leaving Cory to run his fingers under the cold tap he'd just turned on, the man glared daggers at them as they scarpered out the door.

"That was so fucking messy, I'm sorry I didn't defend you earlier" Henry breathed out as they ran down the field, they climbed slowly over the gate landing softly on the path then pausing.

"I'm so sorry Henry, are you okay?" Maddox whispered glancing at Henry's face. Luckily Cory hadn't hit his face so no bruises were visible, but he'd definitely be marred with brown marks on his chest and legs.

"I'm fine. You're fine. We're both fine" Henry told him reassuringly.

"Cory is such an arse, I told you!" Maddox hissed angrily. Then he randomly started to laugh.

"What's funny?" Henry questioned a smile flickering onto his own face as he looked into his boyfriends eyes.

"We were about to have sex and he walked in" Maddox laughed "I literally had my hands in your boxers, like my hands were on your dick and my abusive brother fucking walked in" he continued to laugh hysterically.

Henry laughed too but not as much, he could sense Maddox was just letting his emotions out rather than finding the situation genuinely hilarious. It was most likely either this or hysterical crying.

"Sorry" Maddox laughed wiping a tear from his blue eyes as he continued to chuckle.

"It's fine love" Henry whispered taking Maddox's hand and giving it a reassuring, soft kiss. Maddox was just processing what had happened and that was okay.

"I'm proud of you for managing to go that far, after all that's happened to you I wouldn't blame you for never wanting to be intimate with anyone, you did well" Henry told him.

"You would say that, I really didn't expect you to be such a submissive bottom" Maddox replied teasingly.

Henry flushed bright red as they began to walk in the direction of his house "Yeah whatever" he answered. Maddox was calming down now, everything was relaxing. The initial storm was over. Now they just had to face the consequences.

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