-7- Smokescreens

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Henry walked nonchalantly through the school gates weaving past the crowds of screaming teenagers laughing and having conversations. He wasn't exactly sure where he'd be going this time. Normally it'd be a case of finding his friend group but right now he didn't really feel like awkwardly standing with them trying to pretend it wasn't awkward and that Sierra wasn't dead.

Instead Henry paced around the side of the school to where they kept the trash cans, to his surprise he spotted the very person he'd been thinking about most of the night perched there leaning against the wall on his phone clearly unaware of his surroundings.

Smirking he approached Maddox suddenly leaning up on the wall beside him making the blonde jump slightly before recomposing with a bemused stare at Henry.

"Morning" Henry said taking a cigarette out and lighting it puffing the unclean smoke out of his mouth calmly.

"Morning ginger" Maddox replied charmingly running a hand through his blonde hair gently, as he turned to face him Henry couldn't help but notice a large bruise standing out on his otherwise rosey cheeked pale face.

"What happened?" Henry queried stonily nodding his head at the mark.

"Accident" Maddox answered shortly.

"What kind of accident?" Henry pressured, this was the third bruise he'd spotted on Maddox. It was starting to seem like something might be going on, but he didn't want to assume wrongly.

The blonde hesitated which was unusual for him, he normally had a witty response for everything. Finally he opened his mouth responding "I go hiking a lot, I often slip on rocks and shit, this one was more embarrassing though" he told Henry gesturing to the bruise Henry had pointed out marred into his face.

"I wasn't looking where I was going and walked straight into a tree, was shit" Henry couldn't help but let out a chuckle as a sheepish look appeared on Maddox's face. Henry's initial fears were swept away now by the clear cut explanation Maddox had given him. It lined up.

Henry then took out another cigarette lighting it and beginning to smoke, he glanced over at Maddox briefly who was watching with minor interest. "Want a smoke?" Henry offered.

Immediately shaking his head Maddox answered "Nah, I prefer having healthy lungs"

Henry rolled his eyes "Chicken" he muttered making Maddox scowl.

"I'm not a chicken, I just don't fancy dying young from lung cancer!" Maddox insisted narrowing his bright blue eyes at Henry.

"You're just scared" Henry teased trying to peer pressure Maddox into taking a puff, even just one so that he'd tried it. Henry found it super relaxing.

"I'm not scared!" Maddox exclaimed indignantly getting slightly defensive at the ginger boys teasing words.

"Prove it" Henry challenged holding out a cigarette to Maddox, sighing in resignation Maddox snatched the cigarette from Henry's burnt fingers then gestured for the lighter quickly. Henry placed it in his hands smirking as Maddox lit the cigarette inhaling then almost immediately coughing.

"That's fowl" He choked out between coughs making Henry snigger. However to his surprise Maddox went again puffing out a breath of smoke this time not choking on it "it's also kinda... I don't know, nice?" He added quietly.

"Relaxing, calming" Henry supplied for him also taking another draft. "Helps calm me down"

The sound of keys rattling and high heels plodding on concrete suddenly sounded heading in their direction, hurriedly Maddox stashed Henry's lighter in his pocket tossing the cigarette he was holding into the bin. Henry also tucked away his cigarette into his pants pocket looking at Maddox nonchalantly as a teacher rounded the corner.

She glanced at them in disinterest before heading back the way she came. "That was close" Henry commented with a smug smile listening as the footsteps faded away into the loud chatter of the courtyard.

"Yeah" Maddox answered producing the lighter from his coat pocket and handing it to Henry, Henry took it with an appreciative nod.

"That was cool you know, cool for your first time" He told Maddox awkwardly.

"Thanks, I'm just such a bad boy" Maddox joked nudging Henry playfully.

Henry shook his head disbelievingly "I'd have to see it to believe it bad boy" He stated making Maddox laugh.

"I make an excellent top I'll have you know" He argued back cockily.

This made Henry's brain go back to last night, what he'd been looking at and researching. "You ever thought about having... sex with like, multiple people at the same time" Henry questioned looking away in slight embarrassment.

Maddox shrugged looking thoughtful "Nah not really, not really into that orgy kinda shit. Would rather the intimacy of just one on one I think" he answered.

Henry sighed nodding bitterly at the response, he felt disappointed but this wasn't the end of the world, maybe Maddox would change his mind, or maybe he'd be willing to date multiple guys without the sex part if that was what made him uncomfortable.

"What about you? You into that kinda pile on?" Maddox asked gazing up at Henry.

"I think so, don't know really" Henry confessed his eyes darting away from Maddox.

"Oh I get it, someone's still a virgin!" Maddox teased a gleam of intrigue in his ocean blue eyes.

Henry blushed red looking away "Whatever" he replied trying to play it off.

"First times not everything though" Maddox commented softer this time "If I could I'd redo my first time, and my second time. And basically every time to be honest"

"Why? Did you not enjoy it?" Henry questioned leaning closer to Maddox. The blondes eyes betrayed his sadness on the subject but his response was veiled.

"Something like that yeah" he told Henry nodding his head as if he were trying to convince himself of it more than Henry.

The school bell interrupted them letting out a shrill, high pitched clanging noise signalling the start of lessons. The pair heaved themselves up wiping the dust off their pants.

"I'm gonna stink of cigarettes all day now" Maddox complained punching Henry lightly in the arm.

"Better than your usual musk" Henry shot back making Maddox gasp in mock offence.

"Take that back!" He requested standing in front of Henry blocking his way.

"Fine, you smell okay normally Maddox" Henry supplied.

"Just okay?" Maddox queried his eyes narrowing.

"Yep, see ya around stinky" Henry told him pushing past and heading to his first class a grin tugging at his face. Maddox really felt special to him like no one had before.

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