20- Life after the War

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May 3, 1998

Lily was crying inconsolably, with the newspaper at her feet. There was no doubt about what the headlines said, and she could only give vent to her pain, unable to believe that just a few hours before she had hugged her father for the first and last time.

And now he was dead.

Susan and Miss Anderson hugged her, giving her support. The teacher was also crying, perhaps understanding the sad reality better than anyone.

But there was no turning back. Lily would have to learn to live with all the questions that would never be answered.


June 3, 1998

Lily was sitting on one of the couches in the room used for interviews with potential adoptive parents. Miss Anderson held her hand tightly and looked with seriousness and a touch of defiance at the two figures in front of them.

The dark-skinned man was called Kingsley Shacklebolt and he was the new acting Minister of Magic, and he was accompanied by Minerva McGonagall, the new Headmistress of Hogwarts.

And on the table that separated the two couples, rested the last will of Severus Snape, ex-Death Eater, Dumbledore's right hand and a key player in the defeat of lord Voldemort.

"Miss White, we are sorry for this ambush, but you will understand that we find it very strange that you are the sole beneficiary of all of Professor Snape's assets," the Minister spoke kindly, leaning forward, and Lily did her best to look at his eyes without revealing how she felt.

"Professor Snape once told me that Slytherin House always takes care of its own," she answered carefully. "He knew that I was an orphan, and that I would have much more trouble getting ahead than my classmates. Also, he was very upset when I wasn't allowed to return to Hogwarts last year."

"That's true," McGonagall confirmed. "Until the last minute, Miss White's name was on the list of students who were to attend Hogwarts... until the purity blood laws were passed."

"Have you previously received gifts from your professor?" Shacklebolt asked, and Lily strengthened her Occlumency barriers before answering.

"Last summer he sent me the sixth and seventh-course textbooks, so I could prepare for the NEWTs. He said I could take my exams at another school if necessary."

Miss Anderson glanced at her, but said nothing, keeping her face in a carefully neutral expression.

"That does not appear on the list of school expenses. Do you know if he used his own money to pay for it?" McGonagall looked at her over the top of her glasses, but Lily shrugged.

"I don't suppose he could use the Hogwarts funds with the new law in place and lord Voldemort breathing down his shoulder, right?" Lily responded cheekily, forcing herself to say the dark wizard's name out loud. "Hey, if there's a problem, why don't you ask him? Don't you have his portrait in the Headmistress' office?"

McGonagall and Shacklebolt exchanged a look.

"Unfortunately, his portrait has the habit of turning deaf when asked something he doesn't like," McGonagall smiled despite herself, and her face seemed to soften.

"I don't understand what this investigation is about," Miss Anderson spoke up, somewhat irritated. "Lily had not asked to receive that inheritance, her professor decided to leave her as the beneficiary for reasons that only he knew. And unless there's something illegal going on here, I don't think Lily should answer any more questions."

"I apologize, ma'am, we were just curious. Professor Snape had no other family, and we were wondering if..." Shacklebolt's words floated in the air, hopefully, and Lily felt the expectant gazes of the two of them over her. But she put on an expression of ignorance, protecting her mind with Occlumency.

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