2- Lily White

90 7 16

May 2, 1992

Albus Dumbledore waited patiently in the orphanage room, giving time for the headmistress, Miss Anderson, to go and get the girl. Curious, the wizard looked around, studying the room.

It was large enough to house two beds, and all the belongings of the two girls who lived there. Everything seemed very clean and tidy, but the walls were covered with various drawings, posters of famous singers, and photographs of children.

On a cork, he could see the message "Lily and Susan, friends forever" next to a photograph of two girls, a blonde and a brunette, who were smiling while embracing each other.

Dumbledore nodded, satisfied. This time he had learned from his previous mistakes and had made sure that the little orphan was raised in a kind and safe environment, despite it being an orphanage. And from what he saw, the girl had been happy there.

The door opened, and Miss Anderson appeared, accompanied by one of her pupils. The girl was tall, and at eleven years old she towered over her teacher's shoulders.

Obeying Dumbledore's spell, Miss Anderson left the room, closing the door behind her, and the girl grimaced, clearly disconcerted at being left alone with this stranger dressed in strange robes.

"Please, don't be afraid, I would like to talk to you," Dumbledore smiled kindly and sat down on one of the beds, pointing to the other so that the girl could imitate him. "What is your name?"

"Lily, Lily White. Are you going to adopt me?" she sat in front of him, still looking fascinated at the drawings on his tunic.

"No, little one, I come to offer you a place at my school."

"Are you a teacher?"

"My name is Albus Dumbledore, and I am the headmaster of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

The girl stared at him without blinking, processing what she had just heard. Dumbledore noticed that she was very pretty, with symmetrical and delicate features, and porcelain skin.

Then, the girl frowned, in a very characteristic gesture, and looked at him skeptically with her dark eyes.

"Did you say witchcraft?"

"Yes, Lily, magic exists, and at Hogwarts we teach the country's young wizards and witches. And you, Lily, are a witch."

"That's not a very nice thing to say to another person," she replied, still skeptical. Dumbledore laughed softly.

"I am convinced that you have already noticed for yourself that things happen around you that you cannot explain. Am I wrong?"

Lily looked down, biting her lip thoughtfully.

"There was this time... I was pushing Susan on the swing, and she wanted to go higher, and suddenly she went flying, and fell from very high. Was that magic, sir? I did not want to do it! It wasn't on purpose," Lily opened her eyes wide, in a frightened gesture.

"Children are capable of doing magic without realizing it. I'm convinced you didn't want to hurt your friend. Is she okay?"

"She got a very big wound on her leg, but it has now healed. She says she flew like Superman," Lily smiled. Dumbledore nodded, pretending to understand her words.

"And have you noticed anything else?"

"I cut my bangs with scissors, to look like Margot, but it looked very bad. I cried all night because I was afraid the other girls would laugh at me. But the next day my hair had grown again."

"When was that?"

"Two days ago, sir," Lily shook her shoulder-length dark hair. She had it tied up with a headband, giving her a charming look.

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