7- Lily's worst memories

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November 29, 1993

That day, there was an unexpected change in Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Professor Lupin was sick, so Professor Snape was going to teach the lesson in his place.

"You can close the books, we won't need them today," he ruled, while looking at the students with his dark eyes. With a wave of his wand, he had the desks stacked against the wall. "Given the disaster that the dueling club turned out to be last year, I have decided to teach you the basics so that you know how to defend yourselves in a magical duel. Today you will practice attack and defense spells. Get in pairs."

Lily and Astoria smiled at each other and automatically came together. Around them, the other students also stood along their friends, but Severus clicked his tongue against his teeth.

"I think we are going to break these ideal couples. Greengrass, along with Creevey. White, you will fight Weasley."

Lily changed places, standing in front of Ginny, while Severus continued mixing up the Gryffindors and the Slytherins. Ginny stared at her with a serious expression, sizing her up with her wand in her hand, and Lily went on guard as well.


Lily and Ginny looked into each other's eyes, before beginning.


"Protego," Lily managed to stop the spell without difficulty, and returned to an attack position. On that round, it was her turn to attack, and Ginny was also able to block her spell.

Ginny and her practiced for several minutes, sometimes managing to disarm their rival. It seemed like everything was going well until Severus approached them.

"Miss White, why are you holding back?"

Lily looked at him blankly. She was disarming Ginny in most of the attacks, and she didn't need to use any more force.

"I could throw Ginny backwards, Professor."


"Well... we don't have anything to cushion falls," Lily looked towards Ginny, who was too close to a wall. Ginny watched the professor with half-closed eyes, knowing that that day it was her turn to be Severus' victim. But Lily didn't want to get into that game. "I don't want to hurt her, Professor."

Severus narrowed his eyes, annoyed. He was giving her a chance to show off in class, and she had the nerve to turn him down. Demon girl.

"Miss White, in a real duel there are no cushions to protect from the blows."

"But this is not a real duel, Professor. We're learning," Severus' eyes widened, furious and amazed at her arrogance.

He could feel the eyes of the other students on them, and he knew that he could not let this affront go. No one could see how he gave ground to a muggleborn child.

"Do you want to learn, Miss White?" Severus put himself on guard, and before Lily could react, he attacked her. "Expelliarmus!"

Lily didn't make a sound, but she waved her wand just right. The force of the spell made her take a couple of steps back, but she remained standing, wand still in her hand. And for a second, a scowl of fury flashed in her dark eyes.

"Expelliarmus!"she suddenly shouted back. Severus didn't expect her to attack him, and he didn't have time to react. His wand flew through the air, into Lily's hand.

Silence filled the classroom, while the other students covered their mouths with their hands or looked at them with wide eyes. No one have ever thought of attacking Hogwarts' most fearsome professor.

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