5- Miss Anderson

69 7 15

December 10, 1992

"This is the list of the Slytherin students who will stay at Hogwarts for Christmas," Severus placed the parchment on Dumbledore's desk. The headmaster glanced over it, and looked at the professor with an inquisitive air.

"Lily White isn't here," he observed, a look of concern in his blue eyes.

"She was one of the first ones to indicate that she wanted to return home during the holidays."

"It's a shame she doesn't call Hogwarts her home," Dumbledore muttered. Severus raised his eyebrows.

"Are you surprised? Considering how her introduction to the magical world has been..."

"She doesn't know it, Severus, but she is in danger in the muggle world. We must be especially careful with her, especially now."

"What do you suggest I do?"

"You could keep an eye on her while she's away."

"I'm not her babysitter, Dumbledore. Besides, it would be suspicious if someone saw me near her."

"I'm sure you will think of something."


December 23, 1992

Severus had never been to that part of town. It certainly wasn't what he expected. The streets were clean and well-kept, and the buildings were new and elegant.

At the end of the street stood a Victorian house, surrounded by a fence. Snow covered the roof and the large garden. It looked like an image straight out of a fairytale.

Carefully, Severus entered the building, hiding himself with an invisibility and a silence spell. The appearance of the orphanage surprised him, it was much cheerful and prettier than he expected.

Clearly, Dumbledore had gone to great lengths to find a suitable home for Lily White.

A group of girls ran down the stairs, making a lot of noise, and Severus dodged to the side just in time, avoiding being run over. Surprised, he saw Lily, in the center of the group, laughing and shouting like one of them. He had never seen her do that at Hogwarts.

"Don't run down the stairs! Be careful!" a woman followed the girls, trying to keep up without success. "Put on your coats! There's no way," she sighed, putting her hands to her face.

Severus studied her carefully. The woman must have been between thirty and forty years old, she was dressed in formal but practical clothes, and despite her protests, she smiled openly when she heard the girls' screams of joy as they played with the snow.

Checking that no other adults were close, Severus decided to make himself visible and cleared his throat, startling the woman.

"Heavens! I hadn't seen you. Can I help you with something?" the woman approached him, trying to smooth the strands of hair that were escaping from her ponytail.

"I want to talk to you," Severus had the wand clutched in his pocket, and silently cast a relaxing spell, which allowed the woman not to suspect him.

"Of course, follow me," the woman guided him to an office located on the side of the ground floor. Closing the door behind him, Severus quickly scanned the room, looking for some kind of trap and noting the photographs on the walls. Several groups of girls of all ages waved at the camera, smiling.

As he came close, he was able to locate Lily, always standing next to the same girl. Her smile was wide and sincere, different from the shy and withdrawn girl he had seen at Hogwarts.

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