16- The light that never goes out

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August 25, 1996

"Expecto Patronum."

Nothing happened, and the absence of silver light in the darkened room could not have been more telling.

Severus waved his wand again, trying to concentrate.

"Expecto Patronum."


Severus tried to conjure up memories of Lily Evans, thinking of her green eyes, her infectious laugh, and her ironic retorts. But it was not possible, not even thinking about their best moments together could he conjure the silver doe.

Because what Severus saw every time he closed his eyes was Professor Dumbledore's black hand, and his blue eyes looking at him with coldness and determination, asking him for the most difficult favor of all. To end his life.

And he also saw Narcissa's eyes, filled with tears, pleading for her son as the shining bonds of unbreakable oath bound their wrists.

"Expecto Patronum."

Severus tried, but he couldn't. He no longer felt joy or hope. He was trapped in the dark. He couldn't summon a Patronus.

In desperation, he dropped his wand and buried his face in his hands, sobbing.

He had no strength anymore.


September 1, 1996

"And Professor Snape will be the new Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor."

The Slytherin table erupted in applause that had rarely been heard before. Everyone was elated; finally, the Head of their house obtained his longed-for position.

He waved discreetly, with an apparent smile of satisfaction on his face, and scanned the long emerald table, looking for a face in particular.

Lily was also clapping, smiling, publicly showing how happy she was for him. And his ring vibrated with a warm energy that went up his arm, reaching his chest.

Without being able to help it, Severus felt satisfied. Lily was smiling. That alone was worth going ahead with the plan.


September 15, 1996

"This year you will study advanced potions."

Lily looked at him in disbelief.

"Oh really? Now that you're the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, you want to teach me Potions?" Lily tried not to laugh, but the situation was ironic to say the least. "Is there no curse left for you to teach me?"

"Pay attention, Miss White, you have to think about how your academic performance will affect your future career. What are you going to do once you finish your studies at Hogwarts?" Severus placed several pamphlets in front of her, but she barely looked at them.

"As if it would be of any use," she snorted.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I'm not stupid, Professor, I've heard what the other Slytherins say, and I've read the news in the newspaper. They might start giving the muggleborns trouble."

Severus looked at her without blinking, as if he wanted to perform Legilimency on her.

"Leave the country."


"If that happens, if at any time the Ministry prevents you from developing professionally, do not stay in England. What's more, I encourage you to look at this list of foreign institutions, it will be very useful for your career."

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