13- An unexpected ally

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July 5, 1995

Severus had thought for days about what he should do. Now that the Dark Lord had returned, he had to carefully plan all his movements, not only because of his work as a spy, but because he had to prevent anyone from discovering Lily at all costs.

The Dark Lord had not mentioned the conception experiment again, but Severus feared that day would come, and he wanted to be prepared for the worst.

So he carefully re-entered the orphanage to meet Miss Anderson.

Just as he had done years ago, Severus tried to cast a spell on the woman, to bring her under his control and make her cooperate. Some of his spells needed an adult to be implanted, and she was the best option he had.

However, something didn't go as he planned.

"Stop doing that, it hurts me," she protested, putting a hand to her forehead. Severus was stunned, realizing that she was resisting his spell. Cautiously, he watched her carefully.

"You are a squib," he declared, astonished. She looked angrily at him.

"I haven't heard that term in a while, but yes, you are right. And now I ask you to—"

"What is a squib doing here?" he interrupted her.

"What do you mean by that? Do you think we have many more options? We're not flooded with job offers in the magical community," Miss Anderson rebuked him. "And now explain to me who you are and why you put so much effort into trying to cast a spell on me. Just because I can't do magic doesn't mean I can't feel it."

Severus gathered his thoughts. Perhaps it was fortunate that Miss Anderson knew about magic.

"It's about Lily White."

"Are you again interested in her? Who are you to pay so much attention to her?"

"I'm a teacher at her school," Severus hissed.

"Teachers don't take so much interest in orphan girls, nor do they give them Christmas presents," she replied acidly, leaning forward. "You behave more like a father who regrets leaving his daughter aside. Am I wrong?"

The woman's gaze was hard and unyielding, much like Professor McGonagall's. Severus tried not to show any gesture or emotion that would give him away, and to convey calmness in his voice.

"That's none of your business."

Yes, it is, because Lily White is in my custody, and until she comes of age, I am her legal guardian. I decide who approaches her and who doesn't, and a strange man who claims to be her teacher is not on my list of trustworthy people."

Severus clenched his wand in his hand, furious, but he didn't dare curse her. He had to be careful and not do anything that would attract the attention of the Ministry.

"The only thing you should care about is that I worry about Miss White's safety, as much or more than you."

"We'll have to see that," she snorted, crossing her arms. It was clear that she had a lot of character, and she wasn't afraid of him. Now Severus understood where Lily had learned it from. "Very well, Professor, why are you so concerned about Lily's safety?"

"Do you remember anything from the First Wizarding War?"

"It was the reason why my parents had to get rid of me."

"Do you remember the Dark Lord?" she nodded. "He's back," he confessed in a low voice. Her eyes widened, stunned.

"What did you say?"

"It is not yet in the public domain, but I assure you that it is real. That's why Lily is in danger, she is registered as a muggleborn."

"Wouldn't it be possible to change that? You could... claim her as your daughter," but Severus shook his head.

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