18- The sixth gift

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August 3, 1997

Severus paced around the small living room of the house on Spinner Street.

He was totally furious. The fact that he knew that day would come brought him no comfort. In front of him, lying on a table, the Daily Prophet indicated in large letters that, from that day on, wizards and witches born to muggle parents would be expelled from Hogwarts.

That meant Lily White wouldn't be back in school in September.

Severus growled, unable to curse. After all his work and sacrifice. After fulfilling his role and carrying out his mission. After taking the life of his mentor and friend, he couldn't even have the one thing he wanted.

That was totally unfair. Lily was a witch. Lily was totally fit to continue studying. Lily was his...

The man stopped, panting, clenching his fists tightly. He tried to cool down and think calmly.

There was nothing he could do, he couldn't challenge the new regime, nor protect the girl without revealing her origins. Even with his new status as headmaster he couldn't justify her presence at Hogwarts. He had to resign himself and look the other way.

"No!" he shouted, full of rage. He couldn't do it; he couldn't let it happen again. He couldn't let them take her away from him. He had to do something. He had to help her.

Because Lily was special. Lily was a Slytherin student. Lily was...

Severus sighed, feeling the rage evaporate, leaving only a feeling of helplessness and fear.

Lily had to be protected. Because they would go after her, because they would hunt her down and judge her unfairly, accusing her of stealing another wizard's wand. Because she didn't deserve that.

Because Lily was the only one who looked at him with a smile and sparkling eyes. Because she enjoyed his presence and his teachings. Because Lily saw him as more than just a teacher.

And he saw her as more than just a student.

Because Lily was his daughter. And he was her father.

And he would never allow anyone to hurt her.


August 15, 1997

Severus waited patiently in a muggle café, looking around with watchful eyes. He had been spying on that place for days, and had covered it in protective spells.

He had also cast a spell on himself, to prevent being recognized. No one would know he was there. Nobody except one person.

Miss Anderson entered the cafeteria, looked around and, recognizing him, approached, sitting in front of Severus, with a serious face.

"Thank you for coming," he tried to be nice, but she snorted.

"Did I have any other option?"

"Yes, you had. You are not under the Imperius Curse."

"I do not know what that is."

"It's not important," Severus decided to go to the matter that had brought him there. "How is Lily?"

"Broken down. She hasn't stopped crying since she came home from school. She has uttered a very curious selection of expletives against you. She called you a murderer."

"She is not wrong about that," Severus murmured, and the woman's eyes widened, frightened. "I told you the situation was going to get worse."

"Really?" she hissed, angry.

Blood of my blood (Severus Snape & daughter)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن