14- The Supreme Inquisitor

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ATTENTION: This chapter mentions Dolores Umbridge. Readers are encouraged to use creative insults.


September 4, 1995

The first Potions class with the fourth-year students had just ended, and Severus was collecting the vials marked with the names, for later correction.

That's when he discovered that Lily White had stayed behind to talk to him. Severus looked at her curiously, because the young woman didn't seem to have any problem, but he doubted that she wanted to talk to him just because she felt like it.

"Do you need anything, Miss White?"

"What are we going to practice this year, Professor?" she smiled.

"Haven't you heard me before? I clearly explained what the syllabus of this year will be."

"I don't mean that, Professor. What are we going to practice in the advanced potions lessons?"

Severus looked back at her in shock. Lily was not only smiling, but she also seemed genuinely interested and excited at the prospect of spending an afternoon a week under his tutelage.

That surprised him; no student had ever wanted him to teach them anything, and he never imagined that someone would ask him so vehemently to train them.

Glancing at the door to make sure no one was spying on them, Severus gathered his thoughts. It was true that last year he had written a list of hexes to teach Lily. Maybe they could start with that.

"Come this Thursday at six and you'll find out," he responded with the slightest smile. Lily's eyes shone as bright as her smile, and the student left with hurried steps, leaving the teacher confused and, to his surprise, happy.


September 10, 1995

The Slytherin students were distributed around the Common Room, playing with their friends, reading or reviewing the notes for the lessons they would have the following week.

None of them expected the visit of an adult that Sunday afternoon, and that is why everyone stared in astonishment at the woman dressed in pink who entered with complete confidence and advanced until she was in the center of the room.

"Ahem, ahem," the irritating little cough served to attract the attention of the few students who were not aware of her presence.

Astoria nudged Lily, who hastily put away the list of curses that Professor Snape had given her, and they both watched from their corner as Filch joined the professor, carrying a stack of parchments, and began to distribute them among the students.

"It has been a long time since I have set foot in this Common Room. What good memories it brings me to be back here."

"What the... Did she belong to Slytherin?" Lily whispered.

"I need to disinfect the chair," Astoria responded, fighting back a shiver.

"Ahem, ahem," Umbridge called the students' attention again, and posed a false smile, speaking to them in her high-pitched, childish voice. "Dear students, I have come to ask for your help on behalf of the Ministry of Magic. You have all suffered over the past few years from Headmaster Dumbledore's disastrous decision making. It's time for his crazy tyranny to be reined in."

"Are you hearing the same thing as me?" Lily covered her mouth discreetly, and Astoria squeezed her leg with her hand.

"As you all know, there are disobedient students who do not follow the imposed rules. Therefore, the Minister has asked me to oversee the creation of a group of model students who represent the school and its values. These students will be my eyes and ears and will check that their classmates behave along the established path."

Blood of my blood (Severus Snape & daughter)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora