11- Love and friendship

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September 1, 1994

The tables of the four houses were packed. The students talked excitedly, catching up on their summers. As always, Lily took her place next to the Greengrass sisters, who couldn't stop arguing about something.

"What's happening?"

"Daphne is convinced that something strange is going to happen at Hogwarts this year."

"Isn't that what happens every year?" Lily mocked.

"No, this time it's a good thing. The students from fourth year onwards have been asked to buy formal robes. I think there's going to be a ball," Daphne smiled dreamily. Astoria rolled her eyes and Lily smiled. Her smile faded when Draco Malfoy sat down next to them.

"All good, Greengrass?" he asked, and to Lily's surprise, Astoria blushed and smiled stupidly, but the boy quickly got distracted, turning to talk to his friends. Daphne noticed Lily's confusion and leaned towards her.

"My sister has developed a special interest for a certain person this summer," she whispered in a mocking voice. Astoria heard her and turned even redder.

"That's not true," she hissed through clenched teeth, but her sister laughed.

"What happened?" Lily asked.

"We went to a birthday party, and someone thought of organizing a Quidditch match. Astoria was hit by a Bludger, fell off the broom, and was very chivalrously rescued by that one over there," Daphne pointed her chin at Draco, flashing a mischievous smile.

"Oh, shut up," Astoria's face couldn't be redder, and she focused her attention on the table. Daphne decided to leave her alone for the moment.

Lily glanced at Draco, not understanding her friend's sudden interest. Perhaps young Malfoy had stretched out a little over the summer, and he may look less gangly, but he still had the same displeased expression as always and he didn't seem to have developed any new virtues.

Lily shrugged, helping herself to dinner. Love was a very strange thing.


November 24, 1994

The stands were filling up little by little as the students spread out, trying to choose seats with good visibility. The Slytherin students all sat together, as was their custom, and Lily was flanked by the Greengrass sisters.

Minutes later, they had to reposition themselves because, as always, Draco Malfoy had to go through the middle, to sit in the best place.

Lily felt Astoria push her with more force than normal, to make room on their bench, and her effort was rewarded when the newcomer sat next to her.

Daphne pinched Lily's leg and gestured with her eyebrows so she wouldn't miss anything. Astoria, blushing, tried to talk to Draco, but he wasn't paying much attention to her, preoccupied with rummaging through a bag he was carrying.

"Distribute this Greengrass, we have to support the true champion of Hogwarts," Astoria took several badges that read "Support Cedric Diggory, the true Champion" and automatically passed them on to her friends.

"Did you make them?"

"It wasn't very difficult. And you haven't seen the best," Draco pressed one of the badges, and it changed color. Now the text said "Potter Sucks."

"Technically, they're both Hogwarts champions," Lily murmured, but Draco didn't hear her, and Daphne nudged her warningly, shaking her head.

"It's not worth it," she whispered to her friend, beneath the excited voices of the crowd.

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