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The next day|📍 Gauteng, Johannesburg|8:33pm

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The next day|📍 Gauteng, Johannesburg|8:33pm

He opens the car and allows Minenhle out. She is beautiful dresses in a blue maxi skirt,white Nike shirt,jean jacket and white sneakers. Her face was natural with her lips coated in just lipstick,her black body wave wig tied in a black headscarf and her new blue nail set looking good for her.

Neo fixes her glasses and holds her hand as they walk into the Madikizela household.

They meet up with Neo's mother at the gate alongside Sipho and Thabo. Neo still needs to talk to him but he doesn't know how to go about it.

"Hello ma."Neo says and hugs his mother.

"Hello son,are you ready?"Mrs Zungu asks and he nods his head."Minenhle is coming as well?"

"Yes ma."Neo answers and he looks at Minenhle as she talks Thabo while holding Nkosenye since Nkosanza is working a night shift as a cop."I told her."

"And how she is?"

"She seems okay so far. In the morning when I told her again,she was okay with it. I love her,ma and I want her to be the first wife."Neo says and Mrs Zungu widens her eyes.

"I thought you would want the girl who we are here for to be first since she's much older. You know I have nothing against Minenhle but I understand. Do what makes your heart happy."Mrs Zungu says and pats his shoulder."Let's go boys and girl."

Mrs Zungu enters first into the gate and they walk through the yard. Neo looks around the place,it was a normal home in the hood but it seems like there were tenants since they were rooms outside.

Mrs Zungu knocks on the door and Nkosenye knocks, causing Minenhle to laugh and kisses his cheek.

"I'm coming."The voice says and Neo and Minenhle look at each other and they smile at each other. The door swings open and they look at her.

Neo looks at Minenhle and Minenhle bust out laughing as Neo rubs his new cut as he looks down and feels his cheeks heat up.

"Share the joke,Neo."Mrs Zungu asks and he shakes his head.

"It's more of an inside joke me. It's sad for us who are not single."Thabo says and Minenhle shurgs her shoulders.

She makes eye contact with the lady at the door, Thandiwe Madikizela,tall, lightskin and beautiful woman.

"Oh,come in my elders."She opens the door and while Mrs Zungu enters the house, followed by Thabo and Sipho lastly is Neo and Minenhle."Hi cutie pie."She cooes Nkosenye and Nkosenye looks at her with widen eyes.

Nkosenye looks at Minenhle ans holds to her tightly."He'll get used to you, don't worry."Minenhle says, causing Thandiwe to smile and caresses Nkosenye's cheek.

Neo holds her waist so she can get walking."Asanda!"Thandiwe calls her sister and Neo and Minenhle look at each other as they enter the living room.

"Oh, Zungu family, welcome."Baba Madikizela says and handshakes them. Furrowing when he looks at Minenhle but handshakes her hand.

"Yebo,we are here to discuss the matter at hand."Neo says and a plate breaking is heard.

"Asanda,don't be breaking my dishes!"Mrs Madikizela yells and Minenhle gives her the side eye. Mrs Madikizela sees her looking at her and she clears her throat.

Minenhle continues playing with Nkosenye."They are ready to leave today."The father says and Mrs Zungu looks at Neo who looks at Minenhle.

"Why can't they leave the next day?We still have to prepare for them."Minenhle says and the Madikizela daughters perks in to see who is the lady talking and they both look at each other and giggle.

"Imagine as adults being addressed by a child who ran away from home."Mrs Madikizela says and Minenhle scoffs.

"Not with my daughter in-law,Sarah. My husband is doing you a favour otherwise you'll forever pay that debt even in your death. Don't test me."Mrs Zungu says and her coloured coming out."Neo."

"I agree with my wife, we'll need their bags packed and early morning,my wife and I will be here."

"And you will make our daughters first wives."Mr Madikizela says and Minenhle looks at Neo.

"The day the moon comes down on earth,I will."Neo says and Sipho scoffs.

"Here you go Mrs Zungu."Asanda says as she gives Minenhle tea and almost spills some on Nkosenye.

"Not with my son please,sisi."Minenhle says in a playful tone and Neo scoffs.Asanda feeling so down apologies."I was just joking,just be careful next time."Minenhle says and Neo takes Nkosenye."Thank you."

Neo smiles,looks at Asanda who widens her eyes as she sees her high school crush."Hi."He says and she bites her lip."No thanks,I'm good."

She nods her head and continues to serve the people. Asanda and Neo make eye contact and Asanda almost hits Thandiwe.

"Ai Neo."Minenhle says and bust out laughing."Making people dizzy."

"Smh."Neo says and looks at Mrs Zungu who is looking at them and Neo clears his throat."So,what's the plan, Mr Madikizela? Because there is no way I am going to make your daughter number one while you see I already have my number one. Two,we can't take them at ten at night without them having their clothes. It's either this or you work all your life until the ten million is paid back."

Minenhle coughs, causing Neo to look at her and sees her widening her eyes at him.

"Guess we'll take it. Tomorrow morning, they'll be ready as requested."Mr Madikizela says and Neo nods his head."Asanda and Thandiwe!"

"Baba!"The two ladies enter the room and sit down in the fluffy brown carpet.

"This is the Zungu family, they'll be your new family, please look at them and be family with them."Mr Madikizela says and Asanda looks at Minenhle who is also staring at her."Which one are you choosing men?"

Neo smirks, seeing them exchange some sort of look and he didn't know how to describe it because Minenhle is so unpredictable sometimes.

"Asanda."Neo and Minenhle say at the same time and Mrs Zungu scoffs. Asanda widens her eyes and Thandiwe covers her mouth to not laugh.

Mrs Madikizela widens her eyes and Sipho just bust out laughing."Ai man, Minenhle."Neo says and Minenhle apologizes.

"Sorry Zungu."She says and finishes her tea.

"Remember girls,you are not going to the Zungu household to be furniture."Mrs Zungu and Minenhle looks at her as she scoffs."Reproduce and be fertile."

"I think that will be all. Tomorrow morning,the car waits for no one ladies."Mrs Zungu says and looks at Minenhle who is looking at Mrs Madikizela in a hard gaze.

Neo holds her hand and rubs it."Let's go home,baby."He whispers, Asanda takes the tray and exhales seeing that her mother is the same to people just like she is to her.

Neo looks at when Asanda takes Minenhle to the kitchen and gives her a glass of water.

"I'm sorry about that."Asanda says and Minenhle nods her head.

"Thanks."Minenhle mumbles and Asanda smiles.

"You welcome."Asanda says and rubs her back as Minenhle stares outside and wipes her tears away.

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