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Shocked was an understatement for the country of South Africa

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Shocked was an understatement for the country of South Africa.

The citizens were shocked beyond measure and it seems like the police have to work overtime just so they can keep the noise around the country in check.

Lyric and Nkosenye are staying with Minenhle while Neo and Sipho go to the police station to try and talk to Thabo.

She sits with Lyric on couch while holding Nkosenye in her arms and watches the movie:The Minions with them.

She kisses Nkosenye as she starts to miss her sister and wishing things were different. People have found her new account and are making sure to follow her on IG and all the other social media platforms.

Thato also promised to come and see her as Minenhle won't forget what Miami said and if it's true.

A soft knocks echoes the beach house,she gets up but the bodyguard gets it quickly.

She sees it's Thato and her mother,Sihle. They greet the bodyguard and he gives a head nod.

Neo got the bodyguard two days ago and the beach house is also surrounded by at least ten of them.

"Hey mama."Thato says and she hugs her as she sees Lyric hugging Sihle.

"Hey girl."Minenhle hugs her back and then Minenhle hugs Sihle."Hello sesi Sihle."She says as she hugs Sihle.

"Hey Mimi,how are you holding up?"

"So many emotions."Minenhle says while sitting down and Thato alongside Sihle take a seat across her.

"Who was it because when I ask I don't get an answer from anyone."Sihle asks while looking at Minenhle who is rubbing Nkosenye's hair.


"Miami? Melokhule Johnson."Thato asks and looks at her mother."Did she something out of the ordinary?"

"Ai,I think it's best Sibusiso tells you because I don't want to be caught in a mi-"

"I already knew it. Did Miami confirm any cheating?"Sihle cuts Minenhle and gets straight to the point."I asked you a question."

"I don't what to be caught in the middle of any sort of problem so my hands are tight."Minenhle tells her and Sihle folds her arms.

"Mimi?"Minenhle looks up and sees Lyric looking at her."What happened to mom and aunty Miami?"Lyric asks and she looks at Thato who was also looking at her.

"Okay, anyone hungry?"She looks  at her mom and nudges her since Sihle is looking at Minenhle hard."Lyric?"

"Aunty Mimi?What happened to mom and aunty Miami?Please tell me."Lyric asks with a soft tone as tears brim her eyes.

"Thato."Minenhle calls while looking at Thato and Thato gets Nkosenye, allowing Minenhle to open her arms to Lyric.

Lyric runs to hug her and Minenhle rubs her back."I miss her so much. I want to go see her."

"Did you ask dad?"Minenhle whispers and she shakes her head.

"Grandma also kept quiet so I found out through my friends and some of my teachers."Lyric whispers and she nods her head.

Minenhle rubs Lyric's head and closes her eyes as she keeps her arms wrapped Lyric's neck.

The door opens and she sees Neo,Sipho and Thabo talking and then it goes silent seeing Sihle who is smoking outside,a habit she picked up after the news.

"Thato?Hi."He greets her and she returns the greetings to him, Thabo and Sipho.

"Where is my son?"Sipho asks and Thato looks at her.

"I just put him to bed."Thato answers as she makes peanut butter and jam sandwich for everyone.

"What did she want?"Neo asks Minenhle as he sits down and prompts Lyric to come to him.

"Ai,it's not my place to answer. I'm hungry,hungry?"She asks Neo and he nods his head.

"It's sandwiches."Thato replies and Neo puts a thumbs up.

Minenhle takes a plate and puts seven slices of bread since Thato made about twenty of them.

She pours herself,Lyric and Neo some juice."I asked you a question."Neo whispers and Minenhle shurgs her shoulders."So vels,we are going to keep secrets from each other."

"Regardless,I'm not anything. When are we going to visit Elizabeth and Nkosanza?"

"Why Elizabeth?"Neo asks with shock since he didn't expect Minenhle to want to visit her.

"I want to go see mom,dad."Lyric explains and the beach house door opens.

"Saniboni (Hello)."Sihle says and the three brothers answer.

She sits on the barstool to eat and asks the necessary questions."Did Sibusiso cheat on me with Melokhule?"

Thabo starts to cough on the beard,Thabo swallows his juice before looking at Neo and Neo keeps his eyes on Minenhle.

"Why am I even wasting my time?"Sihle asks,she gets off the barstool and takes the ring off to put it on the countertop.

"He did but it's not our place to explain."Thabo says, Neo looks at him and he shurgs his shoulders.

"When?When did it happen?"Sihle asks as he pushes for answers and then folds her arms.

"I gave you a hint,I'm not about to explain a whole story to you."Thabo says and continues to eat his food.

Minenhle sees at how Neo is looking at her as she brings her eyes back to him after Sihle's interaction with them.

She looks back at Sihle who is now playing with the ring and she feels her heart piercing, thinking about loving a man who than he cheats on you.

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