Chapter 3 "Dave..?"

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Word count (5528)

Question: Have you ever had dream about not having a human body or, a friend in a dream not being human?

Question 2: Have been ever attacked in a dream or, being chased by something?

Question 3: Should Zane stayed pink for the whole series?

Question 4: Do serpentine that have legs, should have a small tail or no tail at all?

Question 5: Should all Anacondrai have a British accent?

My eyes opened up into another endless abyss of nothingness once again, in my serpentine form. It's seems to be a running theme of me being in complete darkness in my dreams lately. Though, it didn't stay like this for long, as the darkness dissipated to reveal a copy of the lost city of Ouroboros. I look around confused and then gasp as venom started to leak out the statue but not a sickly green colour in the cannon. Instead it was a dark magenta colour and the substance bubbled like it was boiling. Bubbles quickly got faster until someone pitch black in colour, bursted out the liquid and the bubbling immediately stopped. This creature was definitely unique in its appearance, its lower half was that of a serpentine tail, but covered in magenta spikes. Its upper half had six limbs, two pairs of arms — similar to Garmadon's but reptilian — and a set of dragon like wings on its back. Its head was the most unique part of this creature that was in my dream, two long obsidian horns popped out of its skull, its teeth were  a mixture of oni, serpentine and probably other things. Its eyes didn't match each other, one was a bright magenta, while the other was a dull violet.

"We met again, Sam. It seems like you haven't had a good after your recent eye injury, you received from the mutated Anacondrai." Its voice was calm and collected, similar to "dream Dave", though sounded more like an insane version. I guess my dreams have some coherence to them or was this entity wasn't apart of the dream? It seemed it was dream Dave but in a different form, completely aware from the last time we met. It's freaky, you can say. Also, what was it talking about Pythor being mutated? I mean it does explain why look different compared to the rest of his tribe. "You have lots of questions you want to be answered right now, but let's start with the simple, my name is Umbra. I am a being that can only interact with the sleeping world, it's my prison and home." It? No. Well they began slither around me, examining my body in different angles like a cameraman. I don't know if he is checking me out or sees my appearance is appealing to the eye, I'm like one of those gummy worms by how colourful I am.

"Pretty cool name, fits your whole aesthetic perfectly. Though, why are you here? Do you like me or something?" I asked confused to why this creature called Umbra would be here, maybe they were just messing with me for fun? They could be the Overlord with their form being a combination of his forms except the one from the finale of Crystallised season that many fans hate. I dropped the series before ever seeing why the final season was hated, but after one commentary video later I get it. Back on track, I think I'm going insane but that doesn't matter much. Apart from the appearance, they don't have the same personality as the Overlord, less evil-ish and a bit... friendly? — No that's not the word to describe them, but they are definitely less sinister.

"I'm here because of my boredom, being trap in the dream world for so long has become tiring, but there's some over reason I'm here." Umbra said before making a TV screen to show a world that had been turned into a gray queue. The sound of a distorted dragon roar filled the emptiness of the dull and dark city. "Unlike your world's show of us, Lloyd isn't going save the world from the Overlord, because the temple of light doesn't exist or at least anymore." When they said that my mouth fell open, I thought this universe was different but that different!? Umbra noticed my shocked reaction and pattered my head to bring me back from my shock state.

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