Prologue "Impossibilities and new scales"

623 10 10

Word count (2834)

I woke up in my cosy bed by my alarm clock, I groggily turned it off and I removed the sheet from my body. I yawned, stretching my limbs as I jumped out of my bed, stumbling for a bit due to the my grogginess still on my limbs. Though I needed to not focus on that, and instead focus on going to the bathroom. It's weird that you don't feel the sensation to defecate right away, like your body had forgotten one of its basic functions. I got of out of my small bathroom and went into the bathroom that was only a few steps away from my room. I relieved myself, letting the satisfaction fill me as I got rid of the filth inside of me. I looked down seeing my genitalia, that small thing dangling between my legs is somehow the reason for my terrible life. It's crazy but it's not my fault that I was born with it and it does not justify my parent's actions towards me. It doesn't matter now, I have someone that cares about me and even he helped me get on HRT, I'm ever thankful for that. Then suddenly I heard a door getting knocked, it had be Dave, he's the only other person to live in the house, or a least nowadays.

"Uhh... Samantha are you in there?" Dave said as he opened my bedroom door, not knowing that I wasn't in there. "Oh, you're not." He said like this hasn't happened before, which had made my roll playfully at his antics. I put pulled my pink pyjama trousers back onto my well shaved legs.

"No Dave, I'm in the bathroom, silly." I said as I exited the bathroom and smirked wide at him with amusement. Dave turned to me with an awkward smile, while scratching the back of his soft brown hair. My box of Ninjago DVDs right under his feet, causing me to you look at him oddly and with suspicious. "After my Ninjago DVD collection again? This is the fifth time you asked me this."

"Well, I only watch one season at a time, you know? If you binge something, you actually get less enjoyment out of a series, Matpat told me." Dave said smoothly, now showing confidence in his faith, instead of embarrassment. I guess he had a point, I mean, one season can be two hours long or even longer.

"Fine, Dave. You can have my DVDs again, but remember not to ruin the cases like last time. It's still hard to believe that you got the season three part one case burned." I pointed out what happened last time to him as a reminder, staring deeply into his blue eyes. "From a scented candle you had for some reason that was near by?"

"I was half asleep when I did that, because I forgot to watch it in the morning so I did it in the late afternoon. It won't happen again I promise." Dave said to save his own skin, clearly wanted me to forget about it, but I wouldn't for the life of me would forget it. Though there was no point on arguing with him on this trial thing, so I just nodded in fake understanding. He at my action and said, "Thank you." Before grabbing the plastic box of DVDs and heading to his room.

"Huff... what am I gonna do with you." I laugh to myself as I walked back into my room, so I could chill-lax on my comfy bed. Going on my iPhone to watch YouTube videos about Deltarune but rewritten by an ai. I really don't have much of life, do I? Well a social one, but still.

(Two hours later)

I hear a knock on my door, I got up from my comfy bed, put my phone in my pocket, and went to the door. I opened the door to see a sweaty, looking Dave staring at me with excitement. "Dave, you look uhhhhh... well... excited?" I said, not knowing what to say to the childlike excitement coming from my only friend. Dave grinned at what I said and grabbed my arm, pulling me into his room and I went along with it with not much resistance. What I saw was crazy as hell, I saw a pentagram with my Ninjago DvDs laid out on the points and the centre. "What is this?" I turned to him in confusion, was this a joke or something?

"Nothing to worry your little head about it, Sam." Dave said anonymously as put a bottle of blood and toilet paper that was covered in blood on the pentagram. It was mostly likely that the bloodied toilet paper was from the time I had a nosebleed, I get all the time but why did Dave have them? Same with the bottle that blood that he just had in his person? Then he took off his necklace that he always had around off his neck and put it in the centre of the pentagram. I loved that necklace, it reminded me of what a dragon or a serpentine fang could look like. I felt like I was dreaming on what's happening right in front of me or was I on drugs?

I'm stuck in Ninjago... time to mess up the timeline(s)!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora