Stop staring at me.

Start from the beginning

I cut the link before I entered our bedroom, Mason was no longer in bed but the bathroom door was closed. I set our plates down on the coffee table and headed for the bathroom. I knocked and could hear the shower running. He didn't answer so I frowned and slowly cracked the door.

"Hey, Mase? I have your food."

No answer.

"Mason?" I pushed the door open.

The shower was empty so I glanced around. Panic rushing through me as my eyes landed on Mason who was on his side on the floor in just his shorts. His head was bleeding and he was completely out.

"Margo, need your help in my room NOW!"


I rushed over to Mason and grabbed a towel on my way.

"Baby? Baby, I'm here."

I kept my voice even despite the panic rushing through me. I was a fucking Alpha. I needed to keep my head on straight.

"Dad! I need you and Becky. Mason collapsed in the bathroom."

"On my way, Buddy."

I pressed the towel to his head wound and took his pulse. His heart was racing and his breathing was fast. He felt hot to the touch and he wasn't responding to me talking to him. I heard my bedroom door fly open and looked up as Margo, My Father, and Becky came running into the room.

"What happened?" Margo asked.

"I don't know. He woke up from our nap, claiming he had a headache and his numbers were good. I went to feed the baby and get him food. I came back and found him like this. His pulse is racing and his breathing is fast and he's hot to the touch." I said.

Margo got to work checking him over. "Mason? Can you hear me?" She rubbed her fisted hand into his chest.

I could feel my panic rising as he didn't respond. She quickly felt his stomach and checked his head wound.

"Alright, we need to get him down to the hospital wing. We need to get the baby out now." She nodded at me.

"Why? What's wrong?" I questioned her but I was already moving to pick him up.

"Let Ryan. He's bigger than you and I haven't cleared you to return to completely normal."

My Father nodded and stepped into the bathroom to pick him up.

"No!" I used my Alpha tone. "No one else is touching him!"

I slipped my arms under him and lifted him. Ignoring them as I carried Mason out of the bathroom and out of our room. He may be bigger than me but I was still an Alpha and he was still my mate. I brought him into the OR Margo ushered me into.

"You better tell me what the fuck is wrong."

"He must have overdone it. His stomach is taught and distended, telling me there's extra fluid that shouldn't be there. His pulse being so fast and his temp rising as quick as it did is probably from his wolf trying to heal a placenta abruption. He's bleeding out and if I don't get the baby out they will suffocate."

I froze for a second while everyone flew around me and started doing what they needed to in order to perform an emergency c-section.

"What do you need from me?"

She looked up from where she was getting into her sterile gown and gloves. "Honestly... I need Alpha blood. I just... I don't know if yours will work because you're mostly human and I don't know his blood type. But I need you to leave. As hard as this is... I need you to leave. That showing in the bathroom was your Alpha feeling protective and territorial over your injured pregnant mate. He's going to take over if I try to cut into him."

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