Haachama: College Girl Love Part 3

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*Mumei pov*

"Oh no," I said out loud.

I made a mistake...

Why did I agree to such a wager as the one we are in now? The loser has to kiss the others feet, and I know I am wearing a collar and am being degraded already, but still, this is something I can't afford to lose.

"Let's do multiple challenges!" She said

"Y-Yeah!" I loudly shout

We decided the first challenge would be a ten-minute typing challenge. We need to see who can get the most words done in the allotted time.

I'm a fast typer, so this is a free win. However, what about Haachama?

As soon as the challenge began, I started typing. I couldn't make any errors, or else the words would be void.

I was typing as fast as I could, and when the time finally came up, I looked and saw that I had completely destroyed her. There was no way I was so excited.

"No-One to Zero..." Haachama muttered

She completely and utterly lost and now weaved to the next challenge, which was a quick

"What the heck..." I sigh

Haachama laughed as she placed an egg on my head. The next challenge was egg balancing, for some reason something that wasn't a necessary challenge, but whatever, I'm not going to judge, although our models won't even be able to show this challenge.

We were tasked with walking around as much as possible without dropping the egg, and as we did, I almost lost balance and dropped it. We kept this up for a decent amount of time, but I ended up dropping the egg, which shattered on her floor.

"I'm so sorry!" I cried due to making a mess.

"No problem!" She told me

I was perplexed by how nonchalant she was, saying that she then grabbed her egg, throwing it at the wall as hard as she could.

"Haachama, what is the point?" I ask

"What?" She questioned

"Why are you so excited about feet? Besides being a fetish, of course, but other than that, why are you so excited to view my feet?" I ask

"Mumei, you are beautiful!" She said

"Don't you dare go on a long speech about how everyone should value themselves and how everyone has good qualities?" I say

"Mumei, it's true, and I think you are looking at everything wrong because you don't seem to understand!" Haachama said

"Understand what?" I question

"You are wondering why people keep falling for you, but you need to realize that there is something about you that is just appealing to everyone," she claimed.

"Haachama, that's sappy!" I said

"You have the harem; you have seen how things have been; everyone is attracted to you, and you don't seem to understand why because you are still blinded by this and still rejecting it!" She told me

"I-I accepted it though," I told her.

"Did you, though?" Haachama asks

I shook my head since I hadn't accepted it yet.

"Hold it. Can I make a stop at Choco-sensei's place!?" I ask her.

"You can, but why?" Haachama asked

"I just need a diagnosis!" I told her.

Haachama shook her head. "Not yet!"

"Why not!?" I ask.

She lifted her foot up, showing her feet, and I realized what she wanted. She wanted us to do the last challenge.

"Okay, what is it?" I sigh

"We will play for keeps..." She said

Just rock, paper, scissors...

Such a simple game, and yet my heart is racing.

The rules are simple: best two out of three, we can talk as much as we want, but as soon as someone says "go," we have to throw out our choice and see who wins the game.

"Let's do this!" We say it in unison.

I began to think about what I would run with, first looking directly at Haachama to see if I could read her expression, but I couldn't at all.

"Mumei, I'm going with Rock!" She said

Rock??? Would she just flat out say she was going out like that?

"I'm going paper..." I tell her.

"Go!" Haachma said.

I threw out a rock, expecting her to throw scissors to match my paper, but she legitimately went rock to tie the game.

"Damn it..." I growl

We geared up for round two.

"I'm going scissors," she said.

"I'm going paper..." I say

She stared deep into my eyes and said, "I'm going to rock." She changed, throwing me off my game.

This has to be a ploy; she wants me to change so she can get a better chance to counter me.

"Haachama," I say.

"Yeah?" she questions.

I leaned in and licked her lips, fluttering them. "I'm going rock," I told her.

"You're going rock???" She questioned

"Correct!" I say

"Then I'm going paper!" She said

"Go!" I said.

We both threw out rocks again.

"A," we said in unison as we saw we tied again.

We played over and over again each time, throwing out rocks. We kept trying for some reason.

And then after that, we changed to paper, kept tying, and then used scissors.

"Stop thinking like me!!!" We shout

This isn't working; we keep tying, and as long as that happens, the game won't end.

"Mumei, how about this?" She began to say

"Hold it, stop talking!" I shout

I already knew what she was going to say since we tied; we both should suffer the punishment, but this is different than with the collars. I don't want to do this challenge.

"We could call this a draw and throw the challenge out." Haachama said

"No!" I suddenly blurted out

Haachama looked at me and said, "Huh?"

I covered my mouth to silence myself. This is one thing I didn't want, and yet I said no to throwing this out. What is wrong with me?

"Mumei, are you sure you secretly don't want to kiss my feet?" Haachama laughed

"I-I'm sure!" I cried out.

But in reality, I am not sure at all.

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