Chapter ten

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I don't know where Damon was taking me, I came to realize I was that scared I didn't leave his side even though I asked him not to leave mine.

He was taking me out of the school building, we passed a teacher who was about to say something but as soon as they saw Damon they smiled and nodded at him then kept walking.

What the hell? Why haven't they asked why we are leaving the school building? It's bezzar.

I was too shocked and scared, I kept looking around to see if I could see something, but I'm grateful I didn't yet. But that could change anytime.

What happens if Damon isn't with me next time? Would I be dead? Disappear like he did with that.... thing?

I had so many questions and questions I dont want to know the answer to.

I want to go home, I want things to go back to normal. Would I still see things if I didn't bump into Damon in the first place? What would happen if he never knew that my eyes were opened and things got to me before he could stop it?

What if he wanted to.... eat me?

He did say himself that he didn't know if he wanted to eat me or mate me.

Would does he mean by mate?!

My head was hurting so bad I squeased my eyes hurt.

The fresh air from outside helped calm my nerves a bit, I felt so cold and then realized that Damen had picked me up and was carrying me.

"W-where are you taking me?" I asked, looking up. His eyes were staring straight ahead without blinking. I don't believe I've seen him blink once.

What the hell is he? Because I know for a fact he's not human even before the red eyes and sharp teeth.

He didn't say anything and kept walking, we were walking around the school grounds towards the back, there were a whole Forrest at the back of the school.

I gulp nervously as we entered the forest, my nerves were high, and I was shaking uncontrollably out of fear he wanted to hurt me.

Oh shit he's going to eat me, isn't he?

But my stupid brain would not allow me to run, to scream for help. I was completely frozen and didn't want to move an inch. We got to the middle, and he stopped. He sat down with me in his lap.

I turned slowly at Damon, scared I would see his true Damon side, ready to take my life away.

But when I met with his zombie like eyes and his emotionless face, I couldn't help but reach to his face, I placed my hand on the side of his face. Cold.

He's so cold.

I let go instantly, then I looked around, and being in the forest is even scarier. What if something drags me away?

"Nothing will harm you when I'm here," he said, "they know I am stronger, and I can kill them all,"

I nodded, looking down at my hands.

"What are you, Damon?" I asked so quietly, but he heard me.

"I am a Demon spirit, I am from a dark world that found a portal to the human world," he said, and my eyes widened.

"S-so there are more of you, why do you look so human?"

"It's how I blend in, only the special humans can, but I keep my Demon in, for when I have to fight other spirits that try to take my power, spirits out here look for souls they can eat, so they can become stronger,"

"You don't eat flesh?" I asked confused, "that thing wasn't going to eat my flesh. What did it want to do? How do your type eat?"

"My type eats flesh and souls, the type that no one can see and spirits are soul suckers, it was going to attach to your body and such the life out of you,"

I couldn't move my eyes away from Damon,

"Y-you want to eat my flesh and such my soul?" I sqeaked, feeling petrified, "i-is that why we are h-here?"

He leaned over and sniffed my neck, I closed my eyes, waiting for my fate.

There is no use fighting. He would grab me and break my neck like a stick.

Then he leaned back and tilt his eyes, "No, you special and yummy, I'm keeping you,"

I gulped, "keeping me?"

He nodded,

"I don't understand?"

What the hell does keeping me mean?

Then I saw something in the distance, and I sqealed, leaning into Damon's chest, pointing at another head on my legs, coming closer to us, saying meat and cackling.

Oh no, not again, not that thing!

"Demon, kill it, keep it away from me," I sobbed.

Why does this have to happen to me?! Why?!

"Yes," he moved me away, and I looked up. His big smile was back with his teeth, and his eyes were red and glowing. His arms were black with long nails sticking out.

The head spider cackled, "Meat, my meat, want it!" It hissed.

"Stupid creeper. This is going to be fun," his voice got dark and demonic.

He was absolutely terrifying.

They ran at each other, and before the spider thing jumped at Damon, he grabbed it and popped it like it was nothing.

Then he looked over at me.

"I protect you from these." he held up the disappearing mangled thing.

I nodded, tears streaming down my eyes.

"Damon," I said

He turned back to normal, and he walked over to me.

And I got up and wrapped my arms around his waist. Damon was tall, he towered over me, and he stayed still, didn't move.

"C-can we go back to the school? I don't want to be here anymore,"

"Yes," he said simply, and I smiled weakly up at him and started walking. He followed right behind me.

I have a feeling he won't ever leave my side. How am I going to tell Bella? Am I forever going to get attacked now by those creepers he calls them? Would other things come after me?

I don't know about being Damons mate or his wife for that matter, not while all this craziness is going on, while I don't know what I'm feeling.

Is this my life now?

Damon The Demon Wants Me? #ironic_reader2020#2023Where stories live. Discover now