Fire and Water

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She was finishing up modeling for that day. There was always something refreshing about the hole thing.

The process of the makeup, the hair, the desings she wore.

And the people around her were wonderfull. Ash, Nyala, even Johnson was cool from time to time.

"Come on, keep it" Ash said for a fifth time. "No, take it off, i'm not going out like this" Bella protested. "It's just makeup Bella you look really cute with it" Ash said.

"Uh! Fine, just this once, if i get some stupid comments or stupid stares i'm completly blaming you" Bella threaten. Ash giggled,not helping her situasion. "Fine by me"


She was covering her face as much as she can with her hands. She hated hiding. Not that she doesn't like makeup but this was to much for her taste.

Usually she put some mascera on, but today, today her face was full off makeup. And she hated it.

Finally, after going through the crouded stadium to the changing rooms, she finally reached her team. She opend the door still covering her face.

The team turned, confused at her behavior. "Bells, what's up?" Tyson asked, raising a brow. Bella sighed and put her hands down.

"Woah" he let it out. "You look- very cute" Kenny said. Hiro just stared, he still couldn't belive that Bella grew up to be beautifull. She's modeling, wearing makeup, diffrent clothes, everything was diffrent with her.

Bella turned to Hilary and got close to her. "Help" she said. "You're lucky i got the makeup remover" Hilary reached her bag.

Bella grabed Hilarys face dramticly. "Do you realzie what you're doing, do you realzie you're saving my life right now?" she asked. Hilary giggled and sat her down.

"By the look on your face, yes, and not cause of the makeup" she said and began removing it. "So, why makeup?" she asked. "We just finished the shoot,i'm getting out of the clothes, putting mine on, they undo my hair and Ash got this crazy idea to leave my makeup. She said i'll look cute with it, i, do not, fell cute" Bella expalined.

"I mean you look cute, but if you don't like it, now that's the key word" Hilary commented. "Exactly" Bella agreed.

The guys could only watch the process. It's like their captain was shapeshipting.

After a few minutes,Bella was back to herself again. "Thank you" she hugged Hilary tightly. "Aw,it's no problem" she hugged Bella back.

"And i thought Tyson is usually whining and complaing like a baby" Daichi commented. Tyson got mad at that. "What did you say" he  grabed him from behind.

"You're the biggest compaliner i know now take it back-" Tyson stopped, hearing someone yelling outside.

"Who was that?" Hilary asked. "Let's check" Bella opend the door and leand fowards, not stepping out of the room. The rest of the bladers did the same, Tyson still holding Daichi in the head lock.

"Woah,check this out" Tyson looked. "Isn't that Robert and Johnny and Electra?" Kenny asked. "Yeah looks like it,they are talking to Barthes" Bella replied.

"Tricks? Do you have any proof to support this ridiculous accusations?" Barthes asked. "They're not ridiculous,and we'll make sure you pay for what Barthas Battalion did at the Europan pilimeneries" Johnny said calmly,maybe to calmly.

Bella decited to step in,walking towards them. "Wait-" Tyson tried to stop her but it was no use.

"So serious for one so young, here's some advice-" Barthes stopped talking, notecing her. "Get over it" He continued. "Now, why don't you run along and play children?" he asked, walking away.

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