The Blame Game

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Tyson punched the wall. And it was not softly, it was very hard punch. It made Bella worried but didn't show it, she was still thinking about what could have happend if she went to the dish.

"Oh Tyson" Kenny was suprised he did it. "Please relax" Hilary said to him.

"Daichi messed me up,if it weren't for him i'd have kicked" he said, ignoring both of his friends.

"What do you mean i messed up? You messed up you world chump" Daichi pointed at him. Tyson looked up. "You were trying to win it all by yourself but this is my team too" Daichi added.

"What was going through your head Tyson?" Hilary asked. "Woah- let's just all calm down here" Kenny didn't know what to do. "Bella, help out here please" he begged

She turned to look at the situasion.

"I'm playing with amatures here!" Daichi yelled. "Amateur? If you stay out of my way we'll win" Tyson said.

It looked like they were about to fight again. "Alright, alright" Bella came to them, seperading the two. "Calm down" she said. "What-" "Both, of you" she said.

"But Bella, you saw the match, you saw what he did" Tyson protested. "You didn't listen to me Tyson. I told you to work as a team, but you just went on and battled on your own, that's why we lost the match" she explained.

"You're blaming me?! At least i left some hits, this guy couldn't even get close cause-"

"Cause he's new to the stadium, don't you remeber what he told us that before" she looked at him. Tyson was caught of guard, he did frogot about it.

"Besides, we lost one match, there is a chanse we advance to the final round" she added. "That's right, a very good chanse if i may add" Kenny jumped in. "Yes, and it's not like you had no competetion, anyone could lose to Ray" Hilary added.

"Still...a loss is a loss" Tyson turned, not looking at anyone. He was still angry despite his teams effort to calm him down.

Bella sighed. "But Tyson-" Kenny sas cut off. "No Kenny" Tyson pointed at Daichi. "We'll never win the championships with Daichi as our parther, i'm better of blading on my own" he said

He realzied what he said in the heat off the moment. "Uh- i mean- i can blade with Bella too and-" he tried forming a sentence but couldn't.

"It's okay" Bella came to his side. "But, i'm still the captain of the team. And you and Daichi are still gonna blade together-" "What?!" Tyson and Daichi cut her off.

"No way Bella- we're gonna lose if he's on our team" Tyson blamed Daichi again. "Tyson, i'm the captain and what i say goes, please understand that" she crossed her arms.

"We will help Daichi to adjust to the stadium and we'll help you both being a better team" she explained "Apologize" she said. "i'm sorry you ruined the match for the both of us Daichi and i'm sorry that Bella chouse you to be on our team" he said.

"Seriously-" Bella didn't find more words to say. "Tyson that's just not fair Daichi-" Kenny was cut off.


They heard a chuckle in the distance. It was Lee, with his team "Hear that?" he asked. Tyson was upset that they heard him. Bella looked emidietly to Ray, he didn't look thrilled at all.

"Tyson" Mariah called to him. "Yeah what?" he asked, in a rude tone, which triggred Ray even more. Bella nugged Tyson.

He looked up and noticed Ray looking at him. He face slowly started changing from anger to fear. "Tyson" Bella called to him putting a hand on his shoulder.

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