It's A Battle Royale

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That day were championships. You could say it stressed her out, but it was more than that. She was sad, about everything going down hill.

Championships with a tag team was a bad idea by a long shot.

She was trying to calm down but couldn't.

"Hey, it's almost time" she heard Hilary. She thanked God. "Yeah i know" she felt a bit better. "You okay?" she asked. Bella snickred. "No..." she sighed.

"I going up against my ex- teammates and my..." she stopped. She wasn't sure what are her and Kai right now. "Kai" Hilary replied. "Yeah, and my teammates are arguing non stop i could just-" she through her hands around.

"I get it, it must be hard being the captain" Hilary tried simpathising. And it kind of worked. "It is" Bella closed her eyes for a second and quickly opend them.

There was silence betwin them. They weren't that close so there wasn't much to say.

" need to talk..i'm here for you" Hilary finally broke the silence. "Thanks, it actually means a lot. I love Tyson it's true, but i can't be around boys all the time" she admited.

"Haha me neither" Hilary laughed. "Thanks for coming to see me just now" Bella smiled at her. "Hey it's my job as a team manager" Hilary pumped her fist in the air.

"Whatever you say Hil" Bella sweatdropped.


The two girls finally went. The time had come. "Oh, there you are girls" Kenny saw them first. "It took you long enough" Daichi commented. "It was my fault" Bella said.

"Now it's time to introduce the stars of the day and i'm not talking about myself" They heard Dj. "It's time" Hiro said. "You ready?" he turned to Bella. "As much as i can be" she replied.

She heard that Dj is avilable at parties and weddings. It made her laugh inside. They he commented on three members leaving the team. She shock her head.

"I'm talking about BBA Revolution" Dj said and the platform that they stood on rose up and they were in the stadium. He talked more but she was still in her own world to listen.

She just relazied Hiro didn't went with them. He must have taken a diffrent path before after asking her.

He introduced the rest of the teams, Bella saw the two teams that they talked about. Barthas Battalion and F-Dinasty. She bearly knew about F- Dinasty, but Barthas Battalion was the one they have too look out for.

She could see the reactions of her ex teammates of Kai leaving. Max brows frouned. He hoped this wouldn't have happend.

Ray looked betwin the two, he also didn't know what to think.

"Now we're finally ready to get the beyblades spinning and to start these finals for real, so, let's see which team will face eachother first" Dj continued.

"With the Blitzkreig Boys in compotetion that brings the total of teams playing to six. Now we'll activate our random match generator to haphazardly select the first two opponents" he said.

The teams looked up at the screen. "Woah- there's a lot at stake here. Let's just see where the bouncing ball lands" they watched as the color of the picutres changes and slowly stopping.

"All right! We have our first match up. BBA Revolution vs White Tiger X" he annouced.

"No, it's not fair" Hilary whined. "We can't do anything about it. Bella will face Ray first" Kenny said. Bella looked at Ray, he looked worried, why? She raised a brow, she had a normal exprecion on her face.

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