Swiped On The Streets

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It was night time and time for the bladers to pack for New York. "Just so you know Daichi, i bought you your own toothbrush. If i catch you using mine again so help me, i'll squirt toothpaste in your ear, both ears if i have too" he sighed. "There i'm all packed" he said.

Bella entered the room. "Guys, dinner's ready" she said. "Alright" Tyson cherred. Bella noticed something on Tyson's bed. A photo album. "Is that my present for you?" she asked. "Oh yeah, i'm taking it everywhere with me" he replied, opening it on the first page.

There were a lot of pictures from the first championships. "This is when they put pepper in my mouth" he pointed at the photo. Bella burst out laughing. "Hold on- when was that?" she asked.

"When we were in China, you don't remeber since you're a heavy sleeper" he replied. "Oh" she giggled. "I even screamed and you didn't hear me" he added. Bella laughed again.

Daichi looked at them and decited to do something. He took a picture of the two. They heard it. "What are you doing?" Tyson asked. "Just taking a picture" it got out and it showed Tyson and Bella on it.

"Ugh- Daichi-" Tyson wanted to say something. Bella took the photo to see it. She smiled. "I like it" she showed it Tyson. He looked. Both of them were sitting down, laughing.

He smiled. "Alright then" he took it and went to the album. He put it inside. "We'll keep it" he decited. He noticed another photo in the corner of his eye.

Bella's and Kai's photo. His face dropped. "What's wrong?" She asked.  "Nothing- froget it" he was about to close it. "Tyson what did you saw?" she asked again. "Nothing-" "Give it" she ordered.

"No-" "Tyson-" she took it from him. She looked at the album and saw the photo. Max was taking a selfie, with Bella and Kai in the backround, talking about something.

She blinked a few times, not saying anything. "I'll remove those-" "No" she said. "It's fine, these photos are before we even got together" she closed the album and give it to him.

"We should...go and eat, the food's getting cold" she said and took of out of the room. Tyson looked at the album and opend it again. There was a part of the album where they secretly took photos of Bella and Kai.

They looked so happy together.

She was happy, and now, her heart is broken in a milion peices, again.

However, he decited to pack it. He also decited that he gonna try and make good memories so she can froget about him. 

"Come on Daichi" he said and they took off. "We need to do one thing tonight okay?" He asked. "Yeah what's that?" Daichi asked. "We need to make her happy before we go to bed. Because if she doesn't go happy to bed, she'll cry, and if she crys she'll be all dried up and tired and i don't want that. Plus she'll be mad if she does bad in the tournament" he explained.

"I see, let's do it" Daichi agreed.

They went to the living room. Bella seddling the table while Grandpa brought food. "Finally homies, you all packed up for tommorow?" Grandpa asked. "Yep all set" Tyson replied.

"Hey Bella, look what i can do" Daichi stood on his hands. "Woah-" Bella was suprised. "Where did that come from?" Tyson was shocked as well.

"I can do lots of stuff" Daichi put his hands on his hips. "Cool" Bella smiled a bit. "Yeah, he can show you after dinner, right?" Tyson turned to Daichi. "Sure" he noded.

"Guys" Bella called to them. The two turned. "I know what you're doing" she said. "I'm alright" she assured them. "You sure?" Tyson asked. "100%" she noded.

🥀What If I Told You That I Love You🥀 Book 2 (RE-WRITE)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora