Chapter Eighty-Six: Christmas Baking

Start from the beginning

"Go on," said Y/N as she waved her hand. Lee tilted her head but didn't move. "Lee, go on."

The little dog kept giving Y/N a confused look before she waddled up the steps of the front porch. She snuggled up to Y/N to keep warm.

"Did you not have to go?" Y/N asked as if her dog could understand her. Lee looked up at her and whined. "Alright, alright. We'll go inside." She opened the door and stepped inside, Lee hot on her trail.

When Y/N kicked off her shoes, a strange smell hit her nose. It came from the kitchen. She sniffed the air and frowned. It smelt as though something was burning.

She hurriedly made her way into the kitchen to see a panicked Rodrick standing by the oven, his apron off and a tray of burnt sugar cookies on the countertop next to him.

"So, what happened?" Y/N asked as she walked over to Rodrick who spun around to face her.

He chuckled nervously and scratched the back of his neck. "While you were outside, I tried to take the apron off but I got distracted and forgot that I had to keep an eye on the cookies."

Y/N nodded slowly and looked at the burnt sugar cookies.

"Sorry," he mumbled. "For not listening."

She kissed his cheek. "That's okay. At least we have another batch," she told him.

He nodded slowly and helped her roll out the other batch of dough. Then they placed the cookies onto a new tray and placed it into the oven.

Y/N stared at the burnt cookies and let out a quiet laugh.

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing," she replied with a shrug. "Just my mom told me not to let you operate the oven before she left." She looked at Rodrick with a grin.

He chuckled softly. "Yeah... I'm not that trustworthy with ovens."

"Or microwaves," Y/N added. "Remember that time you burnt popcorn?"

He nodded with a smile. "Okay, but that was different than this," he said. "I had no clue how long I was supposed to leave the popcorn in for. But what happened just then, that was because you forced me to wear that apron."

Y/N shook her head and ruffled Rodrick's hair.

She then started to clean up the mess that was left on the counter. Rodrick, meanwhile, kept an eye on the cookies through the little window in the oven.

When the batch was done, they began to decorate the cookies.

As Y/N did some generic gingerbread faces on her set of cookies, Rodrick decorated his set of cookies based on people he liked.

"Who are they?" Y/N asked as she pointed at Rodrick's cookies.

"This one is Gerard Way, this one is Johnnie Guilbert, and these two—" he pointed to two gingerbread cookies whose hands were stuck together because their dough overlapped while they were baking in the oven "—are you and me."

Y/N smiled. "That reminds me of the cookie I made of you last year."

Rodrick mirrored her expression. "That's where I got the idea," he said. "At first I thought of making these two Gerard Way and Lyn-Z but I thought it made more sense if it were you and me."

Y/N's smile grew and she kissed Rodrick's cheek. His face coloured pink and he laughed bashfully. She kissed his cheek once more before glancing around at all of the cookies on the counter.

"It looks as though we've decorated all of them," she said. "I'll get my mom's cookie tin and we can put them away."

Y/N bent down in front of one of the cupboards and Rodrick kept his hand on the edge of the counter above her head.

"hey nerd" "hey doofus" -rodrick x readerWhere stories live. Discover now