Chapter Four: Bad Mood

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When Y/N and Rodrick finished their tutoring session, Rodrick got a text from Ben. Y/N waited for him to answer it all the while packing up her things.
"Ben's at the mall already," Rodrick explained to her as he put his phone into his pocket. "We should probably get going."
The two of them made their way down the stairs and out the door. When they got in the van, Rodrick let Y/N pick the music.
She skipped through his songs until she found Razorblade Kiss by HIM. She loved that song and was happy to note that Rodrick did too.
"So you like the band HIM?" he asked. Y/N nodded.
"I love how they make metal music sound so romantic," Y/N told him. "I think it's beautiful."
Rodrick chuckled softly. "You're such a dork."
"But it's true!" she protested. "They make beautiful songs."
"Yeah, you're right," he agreed.
"Thank you for your very right opinion," said Y/N.
"You're very welcome," Rodrick replied in a fake British accent.
Y/N giggled. "You're such a doofus," she said.
"Oh shut it, nerd," Rodrick replied.
They pulled up to the mall and found a parking spot. Y/N was pretty displeased with Rodrick's parking skills but didn't mention anything to him.
They walked into the mall and Y/N turned to Rodrick. "So where's Ben?"
"He texted me that he'd be waiting in the food court," he told her. Y/N nodded. And with that, she speed-walked her way to the food court, Rodrick desperately tried to keep up with her.
When they made it to the food court they easily spotted Ben's spiky hair sitting at a small round table. They made their way over to him and took their seats. Y/N thought it was a bit strange that Rodrick had scooted his chair closer to her when they sat down.
"Spencer's time?" Ben asked.
"No," Rodrick said.
"Booster Juice time!" said Y/N.
"Bet, I love Booster Juice," said Ben.
And with that, the two of them got up from their seats and made their way towards Booster Juice. When they got in line, Y/N looked over her shoulder for Rodrick who was sluggishly walking over to them. Y/N slipped out of line and walked over to him. "Hey," she said, nudging him.
"Hi," he replied, his tone seeming slightly harsh. Y/N shook off the indifferent vibe she was receiving from Rodrick and the two of them joined Ben in the line.
"What are you getting?" she asked.
Rodrick shrugged his shoulders. "I'm not in the mood for Booster Juice."
Y/N nodded, starting to feel a bit irritated. Why was he so pissed? What was his problem?
Ben ordered his smoothie in which was made very quickly and sat at one of the benches in the mall.
Y/N staggered forward in the line and ordered her smoothie of choice. When the cashier handed her the smoothie she sat on the bench next to Ben who was talking about his favourite stores in the mall. When Rodrick joined them, he was sipping on his strawberry-banana smoothie, a bitter look on his face. "This stuff is nasty," he said.
Y/N shook her head. "You're such a baby."
"Yeah, what's got your panties in a twist?" Ben teased, shoving Rodrick playfully.
Y/N laughed at Ben's joke and glimpsed the look of pure anger on Rodrick's face. She stopped her laughter and turned to Rodrick. Perhaps he felt left out?
"Which store do you want to go to?" she asked him. He shrugged.
"I don't really care where we go," he replied. If it were any other day, Y/N would say that was a regular Rodrick response but his tone and his body language just showed that he was not regular Rodrick.
Still, Y/N didn't let that bother her. She turned to Ben and asked, "Any ideas?"
"Spencer's?" he suggested with a smirk. With a smile, Y/N turned to Rodrick, expecting to see him freak out at Ben like the banter they had started in the cafeteria. Instead, he still had the sour look on his face. Y/N's smile fell and she faced Ben.
"Why not?" she replied.
Ben led the way to the very interesting store, showing Y/N around. He pointed out some clothes to her, including a white My Chemical Romance shirt. The shirt reminded Y/N of yesterday where she had encountered Rodrick at the mall. She remembered the thoughts that went through her mind that day when she saw him without realizing it was him. At least she didn't think it was him at first, she only thought he was a stranger. She mentally scolded herself. You can't just call strangers hot.
"Wanna see the back?" Ben asked.
"Sure," Y/N replied, letting Ben led her further into the store.
"Yeah, let's not do that," Rodrick said suddenly.
"Why not?" Y/N asked, both her and Ben stopping in their tracks. "What could be so terrible about the back of the store?"
Rodrick stepped closer to her, towering over her. He leaned towards her face and whispered in her ear the things that were at the back of the store. Her eyes bulged and she agreed that it was time to leave the store.
The three of them walked around the mall some more, Rodrick still in his terrible mood, until Ben got a text from his mom.
"Hey, guys, I've gotta go. My mom wants me home," he said.
Both Y/N and Rodrick nodded and watched as he left the mall.
"I suppose we should leave too," said Rodrick quietly, turning towards the exit.
"First can I get something to eat?" Y/N asked. Rodrick nodded and they went back to the food court.
They got themselves some fries from Mcdonald's and sat at one of the tiny tables. Y/N managed to make Rodrick laugh a few times, feeling better now that Rodrick was starting to become himself again. Yet he was still looking pretty angry.
After they finished their fries, they left the mall and got into Rodrick's van.
They drove in complete silence, Rodrick hadn't even bothered to turn on some music.
Y/N nervously tapped her fingers on her knees and continuously glanced at Rodrick. She didn't want to say anything to him in case he wanted to be left alone but she couldn't help herself. "Are you mad at me?" she blurted.
"What?" Rodrick asked, taken aback by the sudden question. "No! No, of course not. Why do you ask?"
"I don't know," Y/N muttered, shrugging her shoulders. "You seem a bit off." She looked over at him, carefully analyzing his expression. He frowned and faced her for a split second.
"I'm sorry about that," he spoke in a soft voice, much more relaxing than the voice he had used towards her in the mall. "I think I was a bit upset."
He parked outside her house and turned completely to face her.
She studied his face before asking, "Why's that?"
He opened his mouth and closed it again. He looked as though he were struggling to find the words to say to her. They locked eyes for a moment, silently screaming at each other.
Tell me the truth, Y/N begged.
I can't tell her the real reason, it's stupid, Rodrick thought.
Then, he simply shrugged. "I had a bit of a headache."
Y/N slowly nodded, feeling slightly hurt that what she heard wasn't the truth. "I hope it gets better." She reached for the door handle and climbed out of the van. "See you tomorrow, Rodrick."
"See you," he replied. She walked up to her house and went into the living room where her mother sat on the couch watching Gilmore Girls.
"Hey, Mom," said Y/N as she sat beside her on the couch.
"Hi, Y/N, how was tutoring?" she asked.
"Good, Rodrick and I hung out at the mall afterwards," said Y/N.
"Is he learning anything from you?" her mother asked.
Y/N shrugged. "I think so. I think he understands work when it's explained to him rather than when it's explained to a whole class," she said.
Her mom nodded and turned her attention back to her show.
Y/N kissed the top of her mom's head and bade her goodnight. Then, she went up the stairs and into her clean room. She thought back to her time in Rodrick's room and how he supposedly made his bed for her. She smiled to herself and climbed into bed. He was such a great friend to her.

"hey nerd" "hey doofus" -rodrick x readerWhere stories live. Discover now