Chapter Fourty-Nine: Chicks Dig Bad Boys

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Rodrick sat on his bed, listening to the CD Y/N had gotten him while painting 'Löded Diper' onto his drum case. Tomorrow was Heather's party and he was somewhat excited. Not because it was Heather's party but because of what he had planned.

But as he was painting, he heard the door to his room open and someone thudding up the stairs. He turned to see Greg, looking furious as he held a paper in his hands. He showed Rodrick the big 'F' on the paper along with a little side note that said, 'again'.

"I thought Dad helped you with this paper," said Greg.

Rodrick scrunched up his nose. "Well, actually, Dad started writing my papers because of that paper," he told him.

"I looked like an idiot," Greg grumbled. "Oh, and Heather's sister, the girl from the roller rink, she laughed at me."

Rodrick gave his brother a sympathetic look. "Ouch." He got up from his bed and looked at him, placing down his paint brush. "Just do something that changes her opinion of you. Like— like... set a firecracker off in the classroom. Boom! Chicks dig bad boys."

"Is that how you got with Heather?" Greg asked.

Rodrick shrugged. "No. She kind of just walked up to me. I don't know. But Heather is not the kind of girl you want, Greg. If her sister is anything like her, I say don't go after her."

"Then why are you with Heather?" Greg asked, furrowing his brows.

Rodrick kept quiet and glanced down at the floor.

"Is it because you're not with Y/N?" Greg whispered. Rodrick looked up and slowly nodded. "Did you try setting off a firecracker for her?" Rodrick shook his head. "How come? You said chicks dig bad boys."

"Well, Y/N's different. She's not just some chick, you know?" said Rodrick.

"Holly's not some chick either," Greg mumbled. "She is amazing. She's so nice to everyone and she's really smart and so pretty. I want her to like me but I don't think she'll want someone like me."

Rodrick blinked. It seemed as though he and his brother weren't that different after all. "I guess Holly is kind of like your Y/N."

Greg nodded before looking at his brother. "So what should I do?" he asked.

Rodrick contemplated his brother's question and shrugged. "I guess be yourself? I don't know that's what Y/N would say."

"Hey! Maybe I could write her a note," said Greg.

Rodrick furrowed his brows and crossed his arms. "You mean, like, one with words on it?" he asked.

"I've got it all figured out," Greg said. "I'm gonna pass her a note with a question on it, but it'll be anonymous. She'll be like, 'I have to know who wrote this.' Then later, I'll walk up to her and ask her the exact same question. It'll blow her mind."

"I mean, it's not as cool as a firecracker but it might work," said Rodrick.

"Thanks. So... are you going to ditch Heather and get with Y/N?" Greg asked. Rodrick smiled. Greg's face lit up. "Are you?! You are! How are you going to do it!"

"You'll have to wait," Rodrick told him. "Oh and, Heather's party is tomorrow. The band is playing so I wanted to know if maybe you'd like to be our roadie? Holly will be there so maybe you two can—"

"Yes! Yes! Thank you!" Greg exclaimed as he hugged his brother. Rodrick stood there, frozen in place. Slowly, he placed his arms around Greg before pulling away.

"Mention that to anyone and I'll—"

"It's fine. I won't tell anyone," said Greg with a smile. He turned around and left. Rodrick felt himself grin and he continued to paint on his drum case, humming along to the songs that were playing on the CD.

"hey nerd" "hey doofus" -rodrick x readerWhere stories live. Discover now