Chapter Thirty-Five: Rocket Rollers

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When Rodrick stepped out of his parents car, he was not happy. They were making him go to Rocket Rollers for some party to welcome Greg and his classmates to seventh grade.

Rodrick sighed. "This is a Greg thing. I don't see why I had to come," he grumbled as he and his family made their way towards the entrance of the roller rink.

"Because, Rodrick, this is a family event, and like it or not, you're part of the Heffley family," his mother told him.

"Yeah, that and we already paid for your ticket and we need to welcome back Y/N from her trip," his dad said.

That's when he remembered why he was here. To see Y/N. He smiled at the thought of her. He couldn't wait to see her. To wrap his arms around her and tell her three important words. But he was going to wait a short while before he told her. He wanted to enjoy her being back first.

When they went inside, Greg parted ways with the rest of the family and said hi to Rowley. Rodrick scanned the room. It was full of kids. Gross. Lots of kids looked like they were from Greg's grade but there were a few younger ones too. He looked past everyone who skated, those who ate pizza and kids attending a birthday party until he spotted Barry and Ben. He walked over to them.

"Hey, guys," he said. They clapped him on the back.

"You excited to see Y/N?" Ben asked. Rodrick nodded.

"Is she here yet?" He glanced around. She was nowhere in sight.

"We haven't seen her yet so probably not," Ben replied.

"Plus we've been too distracted," Barry mumbled.

"By what?" Rodrick asked, furrowing his brows.

"Her," Barry whispered as he pointed ahead. Rodrick looked in the direction where he was pointing to see a blue eyed blonde girl. She looked his age but he had never seen her before. She blew a bubble with pink gum and it deflated with a loud pop. Rodrick looked back at Barry and frowned when he saw him practically drooling.

"Who is she?" Rodrick asked.

"We don't know," Ben replied. "I think she's a new student."

"Isn't she something?" Barry said with a sigh.

"Dude.. don't you have a girlfriend?" asked Rodrick.

"Yes but I'd be crazy not to think she's hot," Barry told him.

Rodrick shook his head. "Do you agree with this?" he asked Ben.

Ben shrugged. "She is attractive. And I can say that because Lexi would agree with me."

"What would I agree with?" asked a voice from behind them. The three boys jumped before turning around to see Lexi standing beside them, sipping on a Sprite.

Ben pointed at the blonde girl. "Opinion on her?"

"Damn," Lexi muttered. "She's hot. Who is she?"

Rodrick furrowed his brows and looked back at the girl. Why was everyone acting like she was some goddess?

"New girl," Ben replied. "That's what I'm thinking anyway."

"Hopefully she's in some of my classes," Lexi said.

"You think she'd want to talk to people like us?" Rodrick asked. "I mean, she looks like she'd yell at us for breathing the same air as her."

"I want her to yell at me," Lexi whispered.

"Same," Barry agreed.

Rodrick frowned in confusion and looked at Ben who just shrugged.

"I don't get why you guys are drooling over her," Rodrick said. "It's not like any of you are going to go up to her and strike up a conversation."

"hey nerd" "hey doofus" -rodrick x readerWhere stories live. Discover now