Chapter Seventeen: Chickened Out

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Y/N took a deep breath and looked up at Rodrick who gazed at her fondly. She opened her mouth and prepared to speak...

"I— um... can I ask you something?" She tapped her foot nervously.

"Yeah, of course," he replied.

She could hear her heart pounding rapidly in her chest and she prayed Rodrick couldn't hear it. "So I wanted to..." She scratched the back of her neck. "I wanted to ask if you'd..." she trailed off and looked up at him. She sighed. It was pointless. "Can I stay for dinner?"

He nodded. "I think Mom's making pot roast," he said. "So, you ready to go?"

"Yeah," she replied quietly. Rodrick began making his way down the hall and Y/N followed him, cursing herself. She fucked up. Big time. She could've asked him right then and there if it weren't for those terrible thoughts crossing her mind. She wanted to ask him, she really did but she kept thinking about what would happen if he said no. Things would be awkward and they'd probably drift apart. And if he said yes things might be worse. Because there's that good chance they'd fight over something stupid and break up. Then she would lose him —as a boyfriend and a best friend— Ben, Barry, maybe even Lexi, perhaps Mrs. Heffley would stop choosing Y/N to babysit Greg and Manny too. She'd pretty much be all alone. She didn't know what was worse. The hypothetical results of if he said yes or no or the fact that she never asked him.
(I don't know about you but I think the second one is worse)

When Y/N and Rodrick arrived at his house, they went straight up to his room and sat on his bed. Y/N watched as Rodrick pulled out some notes he took in the classes he actually attended and felt regret swallow her whole. They could be studying as a couple if it weren't for her.

Their tutoring session was quiet due to the fact that Y/N spent the whole time over-thinking everything. Rodrick had to snap her out of her thoughts multiple times. Thankfully, it was time for dinner. Y/N and Rodrick made their way downstairs and sat beside each other. Everyone piled food onto their plates and made small conversation. Greg announced that he was on the safety patrol for his school which caused Rodrick to laugh.

"Safety patrol?" he scoffed. "First wrestling and now this? And you're still hanging out with Rowley, aren't you? Pathetic, you're never going to be in the yearbook."

"Rodrick, I don't think that's necessary," Mrs. Heffley said. "I think this is great for your brother."

"Yeah, he'll be in the class favourites in no time," Rodrick said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"And your band is going to be number one across the globe," Greg replied, mimicking his brother's sarcasm.

Rodrick glared at him. "I'll kill you."

"So! Y/N! How's school been?" Mr. Heffley asked.

"School has been school," she replied. Mr. Heffley laughed.

"So are you excited for Christmas break?" he asked.

"Yes, it cannot come soon enough," Y/N said.

"That reminds me," said Mrs. Heffley. "We're having small get together with some family and we wanted to know if you and your mother would come over during Christmas."

"I'd love that," Y/N smiled.

"Bring Shredder too," Rodrick said.

"Who's Shredder?" Mrs. Heffley asked.

"Y/N's dog," said Rodrick. Y/N shook her head.

"That's what he calls my dog. Her name is Lee short for Amy Lee. She's a little dachshund puppy." Y/N pulled out her phone and showed Mrs. Heffley her dog.

"hey nerd" "hey doofus" -rodrick x readerWhere stories live. Discover now