Chapter Fourty-Eight: Rodrick's Rules

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Rodrick and Greg sat in his room after school on Tuesday because Greg wanted to know how Rodrick was getting so much money.

Rodrick placed the Pay Up game him and Y/N got from the thrift shop and let Greg fan out the money.

"Wow," Greg gasped as he held up the fake money. "You're a Mom Bucks millionaire. Where did you get these?"

"Thrift shop," Rodrick replied. "There's enough in here to last me until I'm thirty." He sat on the chair in his room and twirled his drum stick around his finger. "It's about time, little bro," he said as he threw his drum stick and leaned further back into his chair. "That you learn the secrets to an easy life."

Greg smiled and nodded.

Rodrick got up from the chair and grabbed his drumstick. He jumped onto his bed, doing tricks with his drumstick until he pointed at Greg. "Rule number one, don't be good at something you don't want to do. Next time Dad wants you to wash the car when you're playing Twisted Wizard, what are you going to do?"

"Tell him no?" Greg asked.

"Wrong," Rodrick said. "You're going to clean it.... with dirty rags."

"Rule number two, always lower Mom and Dad's expectations," Rodrick said. "Don't you have a test coming up?"

"Yeah, but I haven't studied that much," Greg replied.

"Good," Rodrick said with a nod. He threw his drumstick into the air and caught it. Then he twirled around and held his drumsticks together before slowly turning to Greg. "Rule number three, never do something when someone else can do it for you."

Greg nodded with a smile. For once in his life, it seemed like Rodrick knew what he was talking about.

——————The Next Day——————

Rodrick was in the middle of eating chicken wings when Greg called out to him. He took one of the chicken wings and went upstairs, taking small bites of it. He went into Greg's room to see him seated at his desk in front of their mom's computer.

"What's up?" Rodrick asked.

"I need help with my assignment," Greg replied. "I don't know what to do for it."

Rodrick walked over and read the document title. "100 years ago. I remember that assignment," he said. "And why write a new one, when there's a perfectly good paper already written by your brother?" He took a bite of his chicken wing.

"Isn't that cheating?" Greg asked, facing his older brother.

"Isn't Mr. Draybick cheating by handing out the same assignment every year?" Rodrick asked through a mouth full of chicken.

"Hm," said Greg as he took what his brother said into consideration.

"Now if I remember correctly..." Rodrick said as he clicked out of his brother's document and scrolled through some old ones. "My assignment is right... here." He clicked on it and pressed print. "And there you go."

Greg smiled. "Thanks."

"No problem. Now come on," he said as he walked out of his room. He went into his own and Greg followed him. The hum of a printer echoed through Rodrick's bedroom. They walked over to the printer and Rodrick threw his chicken wing into the little trash can by his bed. He wiped his sauce covered fingers onto his pants before picking up a binder and stuffing the paper the printer had spit out into it. "New binder," he said, handing it to Greg. "Teachers dig binders."

"Thanks!" Greg exclaimed before taking his assignment and running out of Rodrick's room.

Rodrick sat on his bed and pulled out his phone to text Y/N.

Rodrick: hey:)
nerd:))) : Hi:))
Rodrick: how are you
nerd:))) : I'm good. Thank you for asking. How are you? :)
Rodrick: pretty good
Rodrick: i helped greg out with his assignment
nerd:))) : That's very sweet of you, Rodrick
Rodrick: i guess
Rodrick: so are you going to heather's party on friday
nerd:))) : Yeah. I have nothing better to do so I might as well attend it
Rodrick: good because i really want you to be there
nerd:))) : :)
Rodrick: :))
Rodrick: the band and i can give you a ride if you want
nerd:))) : That would be nice
nerd:))) : Thank you :)
Rodrick: anything for you :)
nerd:))) : :))
nerd:))) : So your parents still haven't found out about the door?
Rodrick: nope
Rodrick: i'm pretty surprised actually
Rodrick: i thought mom would've had me and greg killed by now
nerd:))) : To be honest, I thought she would've had you killed already too
Rodrick: lol

He was about to text her something else when Heather messaged him. He sighed and clicked on her notification.

heather: You and your band have tuxes ready, right?
Rodrick: yep.
heather: You better not be lying, Rodrick
Rodrick: i'm not.
Rodrick: i bought one the day you asked.
heather: Good
Rodrick: yep.

He swiped out of their chat while sighing. He never even told the band about getting tuxes. Then he went into his and Y/N's chats and his demeanour completely changed. He smiled brightly and completely forgot about Heather. Him and Y/N spent the whole night messaging each other until Y/N grew tired.

nerd:))) : I think I'm going to go to bed now
Rodrick: okay sleepyhead
Rodrick: goodnight
nerd:))) : Goodnight, Rodrick :)
Rodrick: :))

He turned his phone on do not disturb and set it on his nightstand before closing his eyes. He smiled at the thought of Y/N before he drifted off to sleep.

Author's note: the slow burn is coming to an end. i am very excited. anyway, i hope you have a great day/night. i appreciate you!!! also, happy birthday to Life-is-a-Banana you are amazing!!

"hey nerd" "hey doofus" -rodrick x readerWhere stories live. Discover now