Chapter Thirty-Six: Mom Bucks

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Rodrick awoke to his phone vibrating against his pillow. He groaned and wiped sleep away from his eyes before sitting up and stretching. He ran a hand through his tousled hair and picked up his phone. He would've been angry that someone was disturbing his sleep if it weren't Y/N who was the one doing it.

nerd:))) : Good morning:)
Rodrick: good mourning :))
Rodrick: shit morning*
nerd:))) : Lol
nerd:))) : Could you give me a ride to school please? Mom left for work already
Rodrick: yes of coarse
Rodrick: curse*
Rodrick: fuck
Rodrick: course**
nerd:))) : Lmao. Okay, thank you. See you soon:)
Rodrick: see you soon:))

He placed his phone onto his bed and went downstairs to shower.

After his shower, he went back into his room to get dressed. He put on a pair of jeans, a belt and a black t-shirt that said: Zombies IIII I
(I can't put the tally there so shhh)

Then he ran downstairs and into the kitchen. His mom had breakfast set out on the table, ready to be eaten. His dad sat at the table sipping on some juice. And Manny sat on the floor, his Cheerios spilt everywhere.

Rodrick pressed a hand on the table and took a swig of orange juice which tasted nasty with his freshly cleaned teeth.

"We got to go, Mom," Greg said as he took a slice of toast and turned on his heel to leave.

Rodrick set down his glass of juice and picked up a slice of toast. "Later, Mom," he said as he took a bite.

"Yeah, see you, hon," his dad said as he got up from the table.

"Okay, okay, wait. Hold on. Wait a second," she told them as she rose from her seat. "I need a moment for a family meeting."

Greg walked back over to the table with pursed lips.

"Now, your father and I have been talking," she announced. "Things between the two of you have gotten really out of hand."

Rodrick placed a hand on his chest and said, "Can I just say—"

But he was interrupted by his mother. "I mean, you may not realize it now, but having a brother is one of the most important relationships of your life."

His dad snorted at his mom's comment.

"I mean, one day, you're going to be Uncle Greg and Uncle Rodrick to each other's kids," she told them.

Rodrick looked down at his little brother with furrowed brows. Greg cupped a hand over his mouth so his parents wouldn't be able to read his lips. "Yours and Y/N's kids," he teased. Rodrick lifted a hand to smack Greg but their mother cleared her throat and they faced her.

"That's important. So, you need to get to know each other," she said.

"What?" Rodrick and Greg asked in unison.

"You need to spend more time together," she explained.

"What?" his dad said, furrowing his brows in confusion.

"So, that's why I've come up with a new program that's going to reward you for spending time together," she told them, a happy smile on her face. Rodrick rolled his eyes and shook his head. "I'm calling it... Mom Bucks!" She fanned out what looked like Monopoly money in her hands.

"You're paying us with fake money?" Rodrick asked.

"Yeah. Okay, now for every hour that you spend together, without fighting, uh, for example, let's say you give Greg a drum lesson," she said. Rodrick gave her an incredulous look. He would never let Greg touch them.

"hey nerd" "hey doofus" -rodrick x readerWhere stories live. Discover now