Chapter Fifty: Baby, Baby, Baby Oh

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Y/N waited on her front porch for Rodrick and the band to pick her up for the party. She fiddled with the gift in her lap as her eyes roamed the street, searching for Rodrick's van. She knew she probably shouldn't have gotten Heather a gift but she didn't want to be up late at night criticizing herself for not getting one.

Before Y/N saw the van, she heard it. The sound of tires screeching and heavy metal songs playing practically echoed through her entire street.

When the van came to a stop in the driveway, Rodrick smiled at her through the window. Y/N smiled back before getting up from the front porch and walking over to the passenger side. She climbed onto the passenger seat and buckled her seat belt.

"Hi," she said to Rodrick.

He smiled at her. "Hi."

"Yep. Just completely ignore us." Y/N turned around to see Lexi, Ben, Barry and Bill all piled on top of one another. She glanced around at the back of the van to see that Rodrick still had his seats occupied with his equipment.

"Hi, guys," said Y/N.

"You know, I really think it's unfair that Y/N always gets to sit in the front," Barry said.

"Do you want to trade spots?" Y/N asked, placing her hand on her seatbelt to undo it. Rodrick slipped his fingers around her wrist and she stopped.

"He can stay back there," he told her. She nodded and took her hand away from the seatbelt. He leaned into her ear and lowered his voice, "Watch them when we start driving, it's hilarious. Oh and, hold on please."

Y/N gripped the seat and Rodrick pulled out of her driveway before wildly driving down the street. Y/N peered over her shoulder to see everyone flying around like rag dolls. She even saw Bill touch the roof of the van.

"Jesus, how far away does Heather live?" Lexi shouted as her back smacked against Y/N's seat.

"Not that far, I can get there in ten minutes," Rodrick replied.

"Ten minutes?" Lexi shrilled. "And with how fast you're driving? Oh, you have got to be fucking—"

Rodrick took a sharp turn and Lexi flew to the other side of the van. He laughed when he heard her groan in pain.

"Dude! Slow down! My bass is going to break!" Barry yelled as he clutched his case tightly to his chest.

"Sorry, man, but we're going to be late," Rodrick told him. "And if we're late, Heather won't be happy."

He took another turn and everybody in the back screamed.

A few minutes later, they finally arrived at Heather's house which look like a palace. It was one of the biggest houses Y/N had ever seen in Plainview and the amount of vehicles parked everywhere was insane. When they finally found a spot to park, Rodrick shut off the engine and turned to everyone in the back. They all rubbed their aching bodies.

"Come on, we have to set up," Rodrick told them. He opened his door and made his way over to Y/N's side before opening her door for her.

"Thank you," she said to him with a smile. He smiled back before swinging open the door to the back. Everyone filed out, looking sick.

"If I have bruises, I am going to kill you, Rodrick," Lexi threatened.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," said Rodrick. He turned to Y/N. "Greg and Rowley are already here setting some stuff up. You and Lexi can go inside and wait for us with them, okay?"

Y/N nodded and her and Lexi walked over to a large tent right next to Heather's house. When they went inside the tent, they were practically blinded by how much pink there was. The only things that weren't pink were the chocolate fountain which had a bowl of strawberries next to it and an ice sculpture of Heather. Lexi and Y/N walked over to the ice sculpture and looked at it in awe. "Wow... it's so life like," Lexi mumbled.

"hey nerd" "hey doofus" -rodrick x readerWhere stories live. Discover now