Chapter 14

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Jungkook hands stopped moving on tae's back as soon as she dropped the bomb on him. He honestly couldn't believe it his ears.

A femboy? A girl and a boy? Jungkook thought.

Tae, on the other hand, was not in good shape. She felt devastated at the thought that Jungkook was disgusted at her and didn't want her.

Whilst still on Jungkook, she was hoping he'll say something to her. She kept saying in her mind, say something, please. But he never said a word and unknown to her, he was in la la land.

She couldn't look up to see his face, so she stood up to go to her room. Jungkook noticed her going away and stopped her."Where are you going?"

"To my room. You probably don't want to be close to me now that you know my secret, I understand. I'll leave the house soon, just give me some time"she said with a weak voice.

Jungkook chuckled and her heart squeezed at the sound."Look at me Tae"he said to her.

She rose her head up slowly to see him smiling...a genuine smile. Why is he smiling? Is he not... disgusted?

"Was that the secret? Nothing else?" Jungkook asked softly and she nodded slowly, still confused at his reaction.

Jungkook stood up, walked to her and held her in his arms,"I have fallen in love with who you are and you my dear are amazing ".

Tae could not believe her ears, he's not angry or anything like that. He's happy."You don't see me as a freak?" She asked him.

"No. So what if you have the male reproductive organ? It changes least not to me. I still see you as the pretty little woman with blue Bambi eyes, whom I fell in love with".

"But I"

"No buts Tae. You are who you are and nothing and nobody can change that. You are worthy of who you are and I see your worth. So believe me when I say, I love you Taehyung and I would do anything for you".

Tears rolled down in small crystals from her eyes as she digested everything he had said to her. She worried for no reason at all and she was happy nothing like she imagine happened.

He loves me. He really loves me she thought happily.

"I love you too kookie"she said smiling with happy teary eyes. Jungkook smiled widely and kissed her forehead. Tae felt happy and contented in the arms of the man who m she loves.

Nothing can go wrong now they both thought, sighing silently.

Or can't it.😈😈😈
Mr Kim was at a bar flushing down his anger and frustration with alcohol. He sighed heavily, worried about his tomorrow.

He was beyond frustrated that his business he spent a lot of money on, crashed with no mercy. His wife and daughter are not even helping matters at all----asking for money when they run out. He is not even sure if he even has any money on him to pay for his drink.

To add to everything, Taehyung. The root of everything that have been happening in his home and business.

A/n: not even sure how she's the problem but let's carry on.

The little slutbag is busy enjoying life with those stupid, disrespectful boys while I'm here toiling in shame and embarrassment. I have to make sure she pays dearly for what she has done to me. Mr Kim thought deeply.

He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around to see a stranger. He frowned, not recognizing the face.

"Do I know you?"he asked the stranger, a little tipsy.

"No you don't but I want to help you. You have a problem with family issues no?"The man said.

"Yes, I do. But how do you know that? Are you from this village?"Mr Kim asked as he knew almost everyone in the village.

"I'm not from this village but I come once in a while to see an old friend, Mr Jaywon. Ring a bell?"the stranger asked.

"Of course I know Mr Jaywon and how do you know him?"Mr Kim asked the stranger, hiccupping a bit.

"Let's just say I'm an old friend of his and he asked for my help regarding a certain friend, which is you"the stranger answered and his words perked Mr Kim ears.

"Help? What kind of help?"Mr Kim asked curiously.

"I can help you with the girl he told me about. Just say the word and you'll get her within 24 hours"the stranger said with a strange glint in his eyes. Mr Kim felt a teensy, weeny bit uneasy about it but he shrugged it off.

The man noticed a person in the crowd that he knew and waved. He looked back at Mr Kim, whom was still contemplating. Then he said, "think about it"and stood of his chair.

He looked at Mr Kim with sharp eyes and said by the way,"the name is Ju Sung and here's my card". He dropped a white card on the counter and left.

"That's Mr Ju Sung, a very crafty and dangerous man. He comes to the village once a year and I'm surprised that you don't know about him as a businessman that you are"the bartender who was watching them for a while said.

"Dangerous?"Mr Kim asked curiously.

"Yes and a word of advice, don't interact with people like him. He'll bring you nothing but harm and trouble"he added.

"That dangerous huh?"He asked thinking with a sly smile.

"Yep. Heard that if he picks a target, they are gone missing for life. Don't know about you but I'd rather stay far from him to avoid trouble"the bartender said, looking at Mr Kim who was smiling like a creep.

Mr Kim suddenly stopped smiling, catching the bartender off guard. He gave him money for his drinks and dragged himself off his seat and left for his home.

On getting home, he saw his wife and daughter watching a TV show and called them to his home office. They soon arrived at his office and he explained what had transpired between him and Ju Sung.

"This is a golden opportunity for us to take our revenge on her and that boy. I heard the other one has gone back to the main city for work, so our work will be easier"Mrs Kim said after her husband was done explaining.

"Are you going to hurt Jungkook, dad?" Eun Tak asked, worried for Jungkook.

A/n: you don't need to worry, psychotic hoe.

Mrs Kim rolled her eyes."Is he the only thing you think about?"She asked her daughter, clearly annoyed at her.

"Yes, I'll hurt him really bad. And what better way to hurt him than to hurt Tae. He loves her very much, no?" Mr Kim smirking evilly.

"Honey, call him tomorrow morning to tell him what we want and by evening, Tae will be in our clutches if he prove to be as helpful as he claims" Mrs Kim said and her husband agreed.

"Go to bed, I'll talk to him in the morning"Mr Kim said dismissing them and they left.

30 minutes later, Mr Kim was still in his office. Staring at the card intensely, his wife's word a long while ago ringing in his head and a bottle of strong whiskey in his hand. Every now and then, he quietly chuckled as he thought of how things will be if he had Tae in his clutches.

"I'll get you Taehyung, just enjoy your new found life for tonight. Tomorrow, will be a world of pain and tears for you. Trust me, you pay for ruining me and humiliating me"Mr Kim said grinning like the joker.

A/n: oh gosh 🙆🙆🙆

In Eun Tak room

"I hope daddy's plan works tomorrow and I'll have Jungkook all to my self without that ugly hag around"she thought.

"I'll make you mine Jungkook and you'll forget that disgusting thing for good"she mumbled softly before drifting off to sleep.

A/n: we'll see about that... Eun Tak


That's that.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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