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Just before the messenger came to the Kim's house, he had first went to Mr Jaywon's house to deliver the letter slightly written differently from the Kim's.

Tae had given the letter to him in his room and left for the kitchen to keep herself busy. She does that to patiently wait for him to sleep before she takes a late night shower.

Shortly after she left, Jaywon opened the letter and read it. He calmly went to the kitchen to see Tae.

Tae turned to see Jaywon staring her deeply before walking towards her.

He gave grabbed her hand in a tight grip, causing her to whine in pain and asked,"do you know any of the councilmen?"

"W-what?" Tae stuttered in pain, confused at the question.

"I ask you again, do you know any of the councilmen?" Jaywon demanded calmly, his grip on her hand was tightening every second.

"I don't know, I swear. Please leave my hand, you're hurting me" Tae said whimpering with big teardrops falling from her eyes.

"Don't lie to me Taehyung, I don't want to lose my patience. Tell me the truth" he demanded for an answer.

"I'm not lying" Tae said with a cracked voice.

'Then why was a letter sent to my house from the council house about you!? Huh?" Jaywon asked shaking the letter in her face, his voice slowly increasing in volume.

Tae was completely confused at his words. She really didn't understand what was going on.

Suddenly, Jaywon's phone rang and he looked at his phone screen to know the caller's id. He left Tae's hand, subconsciously dropped the letter and left to pick the call.

With shaking hands and shaky breath, she picked the letter and read it. She was totally shocked with content of the letter.

Mr Jaywon
Our sincere apologies for not coming to see you regarding your incident last week, we hope you are feeling better. We humbly request you attend a council hearing regarding the young woman in your house taking care of you. A lot of complaints were laid by the villagers about the indifferent attitude her family have towards her so, we are having a council hearing tomorrow morning at 10am. Please come along with the young lady.

Tae tears dropped from her eyes, in fear, happiness, anxiety and so many emotions she couldn't identify. She couldn't believe the villagers would go this far to help her leave this hellhole.

I pray everything goes well tomorrow she thought before sitting down to think.
The next day

As early as 9:30, the Kim family drove to Mr Jaywon's house to have a small talk.

Taehyung went to open the door as soon as she heard a knock.

The very second she opened the door a hot fiery slap was delivered on her face sending her to the ground.

Her father immediately grabbed her hair harshly, causing her to gasp in pain."You shameless bitch, what have you told them? Huh?"her father asked.

Tae was sobbing loudly at the pain she was feeling.

"Please, stop. Let go of my hair, it's paining" she begged him as he held his hand.

"Listen to me you pig, you had better not tell them the real reason why you were brought here. I don't care what you are going to tell them but make sure they believe you. Don't you dare expose us or else I'll kill you with my bare hands, you hear me??" Mr Kim yelled holding her hair tightly to hurt her more. Tae furiously nodded in agreement.

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