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"Father!!!"Tae exclaimed loudly as she busted through the door, breathing heavily.

"What the high hell are you doing in my house? Because of you, Mr Jaywon was hospitalized last night. What did you do to him?"Mr Kim asked with blazing eyes and a roaring voice.

"I-i w-was.. I-i didn't"Tae tried to get the words out to explain but it came out with a squeak.


A hot fiery slap was given to Tae across the face by Mr Kim in anger which caused her to fall. Tae screamed in pain holding her red cheek.

"I don't care what you do but you are going back to Mr Jaywon this minute and you are going to take care of him for the next 2 weeks that he will be on bed rest. You understand!!?"Mr Kim yelled pointing his finger at her.

"Why? I'm your daughter for crying out loud"Tae said softly, whimpering in pain. Her heart was a mess at what was happening to her. She can admit that her life wasn't that good since can remember but never had it crossed her mind that her own family would do this to her.

"Are you questioning me? Do you know you could ruin my business and reputation if you don't go back?"her father asked with a tight fist, gritting his teeth hard at her audacity.

"Honey, don't bother wasting your anger on her. Whether she likes it or not, she's his wife. I'll call Mr Jaywon while you take her back"Tae mother said with her annoying high pitched voice and a sick smile on her face as she picked up her phone to make the call.

"Please, I don't want to go back to him and be his wife. Please father, he's a monster. He tried to take advantage of me"Tae begged helplessly, crying her eye out.

Her parents looked at her like she was a piece of trash.

A/n: what kind of parents do this to their child?

"Too bad...you have to go back, you now have a responsibility to him as his wife and you'll be out of my way to get all the attention in the village "Tae's sister said with hatred and malice in her eyes.

"Let's go"Mr Kim said angrily forcefully pulling a pleading and struggling Tae out of the house.

Most people that had already woken up and were passing by heard the commotion, they stopped to know what was happening.

Numerous gasps were heard as they saw Mr Kim dragging a crying Tae out of the house in a fit of rage and decided to question him.

"Mr Kim what is happening here? Why are you harming your eldest daughter? What has she done to deserve this much anger from you?" An elderly man with a walking stick asked.

"She is my daughter and I do what I want with her. No questions asked" Mr Kim said glaring at everyone to dare question him.

"We know that but at least tell us what she did that's making you vibrate with so much anger?" Someone else said with concern for Tae who was crying and whimpering at her current state and situation.

More crowds were forming to see what was happening, much to his dismay.

"Last night I sent Taehyung to Mr Jaywon's house to give him a letter. On getting there, this girl that you all admire so much tried to seduce him. Unfortunately for her, the old man resisted her advances but Tae pushed him and hurt him with a vase. Now he's on bed rest for 2 weeks. So I'm sending her to him to take care of him" Mr Kim lied.

Tae crying increase at the accusations placed on her. She had no will power to defend herself so she let him say whatever he wanted.

"Is it true my dear?" an old lady asked Tae softly. Tae knew her father won't show mercy on her if she denied so she nodded in agreement to what he accused her off.

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