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Hi there 👋. Hope you guys had a lovely day.

"Come on, let's go out Jungkook. It's almost dark and we are still here. I'm freaking bored and feel like dying"a voice said to Jungkook and he chuckled while working on his MacBook pro.

"You are always bored. Besides you were the one who wanted to come along with me to this village"
Jungkook replied, smiling at his friend, Park Jimin.

"Yeah, because my boss keeps making me work and I wanted a vacation and also this village is where your parents grew up and met. Heck, you said you wanted to come here because you've never been here before and wanted an adventure and a good time. Yet, you are here working"Jimin said frowning with a cute pout.

"First, you are the boss of your fashion line back in the city so blame yourself for been tired".

"Second, I was just answering the emails that my secretary sent to me this morning".

"Lastly, you look ugly with that pout. Not gonna lie".

Jimin faked gasped holding his chest in shock. He could not believe he was called ugly.

Jungkook laughed lightly at his reaction so he stood up.

"I think you should call Yoongi. While you were rambling, he sent me an email that you weren't picking your calls" Jungkook said with a teasing smile before leaving to to take a warm shower.

Jimin ran to his room to call Yoongi back and complain about his 'ugly pout' to him.

Few minutes later, Jungkook was done with his shower, all dressed up and ready to leave the cabin to enjoy the view and connect with some people.

He went downstairs to find Jimin in the kitchen drinking water.

"Hey, are you ready to go?"Jungkook asked him.

"I thought you didn't want to go out" Jimin said while holding the glass of water in his hands.

"I didn't want too today but you wouldn't stop whining so let's go" Jungkook said opening the door, leaving.

"Ok, ok wait for me"Jimin said quickly and gulped the remaining water before running after his friend.

"Hurry up, we have to be back soon. The wind is getting chilly, it might rain soon"Jungkook said as he walked a little faster.

"Mr. Jaywon, are you home?"Tae asked as she knocked on the door. The day was already dark by the time she got to Mr Jaywon's house and she wanted nothing more than to deliver the letter and run home because of the negative vibe she kept feeling.

The chilly wind was adding to the vibe, causing an uncomfortable pit in her stomach.

She heard footsteps approaching the door the door making her pound in her chest for unknown reasons. The door open with a coiling and disturbing creak, revealing Mr Jaywon in his night wear and a big ciger in his hand .

"Goo-d eve-ning Sir'Tae nervously greeted him.

"Good evening my dear, how are you?"he asked Tae with a wrinkly, scary smile. He was old, like in his late 50s.

"I'm fine Sir, thank you"Tae replied. She opened her small purse and brought out the envelope that she was to deliver and handed it to him.

"My father asked me to deliver this to you"Tae said as he took the letter from her slightly touching her delicate hand. Tae flinched at the touch and instinctively jerked her hand away.

Her Journey of Love [Taekook]Where stories live. Discover now