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"That ugly witch must be enjoying herself with those boys right? Because of her, I have lost face in the entire village and my business is slowly going down for the worse. Fuck, I'll make her regret what she has done" Mr Kim said throwing the TV remote control away.

"Do whatever you want to her but don't hurt Jungkook" Eun Tak said to her father.

"The hell? Why the fuck not?"he yelled out at her.

"Because I like him and I want him for myself. He is handsome and loaded"Eun Tak said with a lustful face.

"How am I supposed to punish this slut now without him noticing?" Mr Kim asked, clearly frustrated at the turn of situation.

"Leave that to me" Mrs Kim said as she entered the room.

"What do you mean?"her husband asked."Tae has a secret, you both don't know. I have kept it a secret for a time like this"she said evily.

"This secret is enough to destroy what ever they have and get you Jungkook as you want. You need to put on your A game if you want him in your palms" Mrs Kim said to her husband and her daughter.

The secret must be grand for her to be very serious they thought.

"What's the secret?"they asked her.

"Taehyung is..."

Unknown to them, someone saw and heard everything that just happened. Including the secret.

"I have to warn Miss Kim and soon" the person said leaving.

The following morning, bright and early, Taehyung was the first to wake up. She quickly ran to the bathroom to take a quick bath and then rush downstairs to make breakfast for everyone.

The boys have been the one to take care of her since that day but today she decided to do the same for them as a thank you for taking care of her and helping her.

She was immersed in her cooking that she didn't even notice the boys coming down the stairs to know what was happening in the kitchen. They both entered the kitchen to be greeted by delicious breakfast. Nice and hot...like them.

(a/n:😁😁 don't mind me.)

Jimin greeted her, breaking her out of her cooking trance, and flinch at his voice.

"Sorry" he apologize, not looking at Jungkook who was glaring at him for scaring her.

She mumbled a"no worries"to him and then looked back at Jungkook, telling him to sit down. On the dining table, laid a big hot steaming bowl of egg fried rice with chicken thighs(3), boiled eggs, kimchi, dumplings, and fried chicken and fried potatoes with water, juice and handmade banana milk.

Jimin and Jungkook were seriously salivating at the sight and were waiting for her to join them on the table.

"Eat, I'll just clean up and join you both in a short while"she said and turned to clean up her cooking station. 5 minutes later, she turned around to find the boys almost finishing the food on the table.

She slowly walked to the table, watching how they were eating as if they were starved for long.

As she got closer, Jungkook, with a glass of banana milk in his grasp, noticed her and then noticed the food she prepared for the three of them were almost gone and she haven't had a bite yet. He slapped Jimin's head, who was sitting beside him to stop eating like a wolf.

"What? Why did you do that? I was eating"Jimin whined as he swallowed a mouthful of egg.

"We finished the whole food dumbo and she hasn't eating yet"Jungkook told him, dropping the glass of banana milk on the table before staring at Tae. Jimin was confused at what he said and then followed his gaze to see your bewildered face.

Her Journey of Love [Taekook]Where stories live. Discover now