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"Who is cute?"the man asked as he entered the house.

Taehyung was dazed by the handsome figure entering the house and Jimin used this opportunity to say,"you are cute".

Jungkook seemed confused and unsure about what was going on and said"thank you??"

"Oh no, not me. Taehyung told me that you are cute and your smile is adorable"Jimin said wiggling his eyes at his shocked face.

Jungkook went into the kitchen to drop the food stuffs, trying to hide his obvious blush.

Tae was at loss for words as she stared at Jimin in horror. After he left, Tae pinched Jimin arm who exclaimed loudly,"ow. That hurts".

"Why did you say that? I didn't say any of those things"Tae said with wide eyes.

"But were my words not true? Or should I have said he was hot?"Jimin asked with a mischievous smile.

"I...I still think it was sudden"Tae said shyly because he was right. His word were true. Jungkook was cute, adorable and of course hot.

"Whatever, just take this opportunity I have given you and try to talk to him. Okay? Baby steps"Jimin said before running to his room to give them privacy.

Before she could say a word again, he was already gone. Leaving her in the lion's den...well bunny's den.

Anyways, 5 minutes of thinking to herself she walked slowly to the kitchen. There Jungkook was, cooking Jin ramen noodles for lunch in a big pot. He and Jimin had a big appetite hence the big pot.

He felt her presence but didn't say anything, waiting for her to talk but she also didn't. She simply sat down and watched him work around the kitchen.

The tension in the air was thick as both of them still found it difficult to talk. Only the sound of bubbling hot and spicy ramen was heard. A little later, the ramen was done and he started dishing the ramen into 3 white ceramic bowls....with his back still turned to her.

After he was done dishing, he slowly turned to Tae who was already staring at him with her big Bambi eyes that takes his breath away everytime.

"I'm done with the food, you can have yours"Jungkook said with a warm expression as he handed her bowl with some chopsticks. As she took the bowl from him, their fingers brushed against each other, sending sweet chills down Jungkook's spine and release a zoo of butterflies in Tae's stomach.

They both stared at each other, slowly digesting what just transpired but their cute moment was then rudely interrupted by Jimin who hurrried down the stairs, busted into the kitchen whining,"Jungkook is the food not ready yet??"

Just then, they both snapped back to their senses.

"I was just about to call you, here's yours"Jungkook said handing him his ramen. Jimin said his thanks and left them alone once again.

"Thank you for the food Jungkook"Tae softly thanked him and started eating. Jungkook smiled at her as she ate. He then took his food and join her.

After a while, they finished eating. Tae took her's and his plate to the sink and washed them. Even though Jungkook protested against it and told her to rest.

"It won't kill me to do one simple task kookie"she cutely argued with him. She had this cute little frown on her face that made his heart skip it's beats.

She didn't notice calling him that but he did and he was over the moon. So from that moment, he vowed to tell her his feelings.

It was finally night time and everyone was ready to call it a night. But not two people. Taehyung and Jungkook were still awake thinking about their feelings for each other and the need to confess.

"I'll confess to her this night itself. I hope she accepts my feelings and if she doesn't feel the same, I'll accept it and move on"Jungkook mumbled before getting down from the bed, heading to her room.

He wore his slippers and walked to her room door. Just as he was about to knock on the door, it opened. There stood Tae in her night dress that showed how beautiful her curves were. Jungkook was awestruck by the beauty before him.

Tae blushed at his intense stared and softly asked him what he was doing at her door.

"I came to see you to tell you something that has been bothering me"Jungkook replied.

"I also was about to come to talk to you about something too"she shyly replied, fidgeting with her fingers.

"Ok, let's go to the living room but first, wear something over your night wear. It's distracting me"Jungkook hurriedly said the last part before running to the living room.

A minute later, she joined him on the couch."So you go first"Jungkook said but Tae refused saying,"you go first".

Jungkook took a deep breath and started,"ok. What I'm about to tell you right now may not be what you would expect but if by any means it makes you uncomfortable then please you can stop me. Alright?"

Tae nodded confused at his words. What could he say that would make her unsettled? He's not taking her back to them is he?

"The thing is... I have fallen in love with you and I want to be with you Tae"Jungkook confessed staring at her.

Tae remained unmoving at his statement, making Jungkook feel stupid for opening his mouth. He thought he made a terrible mistake and must have triggered something.

"I'm so sorry Tae. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, I just thought to tell you my feelings but I ruined everything. I know you must hate me now. Please, forget I said anything"Jungkook said with a cracked voice and red eyes. Tears threatening to spill out.

Tae noticed and moved to hold his cheeks to comfort him. Jungkook was shocked by her gesture but all was forgotten when she said,"I think I have fallen for you too kookie".

A tear slipped from his eyes and softly asked,"really? You are not just saying that to make me feel better, are you?"

She nodded her head smiling at him warmly as she wiped his tears away.

"Can...can I hug you? It's fine if you don't want to"Jungkook said staring at her, hoping she agrees.

"Yes, you can"she shyly said and she found herself engulfed in his muscular form. She hugged him back feeling all his muscles and blushed while hiding her face in his neck.

So after a while in his warm embrace, she fell asleep. Her soft snores was the only sound heard in the quiet night. Jungkook softly chuckled and took her to her room. He placed her on the bed, covered her with a duvet.

"Goodnight Tae"he softly said, kissed her forehead and left the room.


Get yourself ready because the love story is about to begin.

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